Chapter 4

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The three of them snapped their heads to to the side to look down the hall.  The sudden voice startled them, but when they saw that it was only Kuroo peeking his head around the corner, they relaxed. 

"Glasses guy doesn't like kids?  Oh, sorry for eavesdropping a little..."  Kuroo said while rubbing the back of his neck.  He walked over to the shorter three.  "I was going to use the bathroom... but anyway, that surprises me.  Even my antisocial kitten had talked about wanting a kid or two." 

Oikawa scrunched his nose after hearing Kuroo talk about Kenma.  "The fact that you call Kenma-kun "kitten" makes me shiver." 

Kuroo rolled his eyes playfully and crossed his arms.  Ignoring Oikawa's comment, he continued.  "I'm sure Tsukishima would be happy." 

"I don't know..." Tadashi said quietly and looked down at his feet.  "He didn't even want to come visit today and see the baby.  He said congratulations, though, Oikawa-san." 

Oikawa smiled and put a hand to Tadashi's back. 

"What are you going to do then?" Sugawara asked curiously. 

"I'll... tell him one day.  And if he doesn't want it, then it's okay," Tadashi replied while looking at Sugawara with a pained expression. 

"You're going to get rid of it?" Kuroo asked in surprise. 

"... I haven't decided yet..."  Tadashi fell silent and so did the other three.  Sugawara silently put an arm around Tadashi and rubbed his shoulder comfortingly along with Oikawa. 

They all headed back together and finished lunch.  For the rest of the time Tadashi was at Oikawa and Iwaizumi's house, he pushed away the baby thoughts and focused on what was happening at the moment in front of him.  He just wanted to enjoy his time before anything major happened.  Thankfully, he had friends to take his mind off of his stress. 

It was just about 4 pm when Tadashi and the others decided to leave the Oikawa and Iwaizumi house.  They all said their goodbyes and climbed into their cars and drove off. 

When Tadashi arrived home, he took off his jacket and hung it up before call out that he was home.  The house was quiet and all the lights were off, causing the rooms to be dark since the sun was starting to set.  He walked to the study and lightly knocked on the door before opening it.  As soon as he opened the door, he saw Kei laying his head on his arms that were on the desk, sleeping. 

Quietly and slowly, Tadashi approached the desk and squatted down so that he could see Kei's face from a better angle.  He brought his hand up and gently ran it through Kei's blond hair.  Kei's hair was so soft and Tadashi couldn't help but think of how handsome his lover was and how lucky he felt.  By stroking his hair, he awoke Kei. 

"Oh, sorry," Tadashi apologized and retracted his hand. 

Kei let out a small groan and lifted his upper body and sat back in his chair.  Then he reached out and pulled Tadashi over so that the shorter was sitting in his lap. 

"How was your day?" Kei asked in his sleepy voice. 

"It was fun.  Hinata and Kageyama asked about you," Tadashi replied. 

"Oh, they were there, too?" 

"Yup, and so were Suga-senpai and Daichi-senpai, Kuroo-san and Kenma-kun, and Bokuto-san and Akaashi." 

"Did you eat over there?" 

"Yeah, Iwaizumi cooked up a good lunch."  Tadashi almost gagged remembering eating the food, then throwing up almost right after, but he held back and kept a calm face. 

"What should we make for dinner then?" 

"Anything you want."  Tadashi smiled and wrapped his arms around Kei's neck.  "Did you get a lot of work done?" 

"Yeah, I'm all caught up now."  Kei lifted his hands to Tadashi's sides and gave it a quick squeeze before rubbing his sides up and down. 

They spent a couple minutes like that, just being together before getting up to start on dinner.  Their night went and ended peacefully. 

A few days later, Tadashi was feeling so sick that he couldn't even get out of bed, other than to go to the toilet.  He called in sick to work as soon as he realized that he wasn't going to be able to make it there in the condintion he was in.  Then he rolled out of bed, almost hitting the floor as he did, and rushed to the bathroom to puke out whatever he had in his stomach, which wasn't much.  Kei, who had gotten up was was getting ready for work, but hadn't left yet, quickly put on a shirt and followed his lover into the bathroom.  He hadn't seen Tadashi look so pale and sick since they were kids, so it surprised him a bit. 

When Tadashi was done vomiting, Kei placed a hand on top of his head and rubbed it gently.  Tadashi looked up and saw the worry in Kei's eyes. 

"Should I stay home today, too?" Kei asked. 

Tadashi shook his head.  "You should go to work.  You said that you're pretty busy, right?  I don't want you to have to worry about taking care of me when it's an important time at your workplace." 

Kei just stared at Tadashi.  "I'll probably worry more if I'm not with you, idiot," Kei thought to himself.  He sighed and nodded his head.  "Alright.  I'll go to work, but if you need anything, just call." 

Tadashi smiled.  "I will." 

After Kei left for work, Tadashi spent most of his morning hovering over the toilet bowl and emptying his stomach contents.  He didn't even understand it because he hadn't eaten anything, yet he still felt light headed and nauseous. 

Although Tadashi hadn't been to the doctor to confirm his pregnancy, there was no doubt in his mind that he was pregnant.  The morning sickness was enough for him to tell.  Though, he was debating on whether he should go or not because the morning sickness had gotten so bad lately. 

He got up to try to eat something as he wondered if he should go to the clinic or not.  The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to go and see if they could give him something for his nausea.  Finally, he decided yes and went to get ready after calling the clinic.  

A/N:  Kei and Tadashi are such a great couple, right?  And Suga is such a mom!  I love him so much! 

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