Chapter 8

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Just before Kei got back from work, Kenma decided to pull Kuroo aside and talk to him. 

"It's been a while and it doesn't seem like Tsukishima and Yamaguchi have talked at all.  I feel bad for not telling Yamaguchi where Tsukishima has been hiding out..." Kenma expressed his thoughts to his childhood friend and lover. 

Kuroo sighed.  "I know what you mean, and I feel bad, too."  He patted the blond's head and kissed his temple.  "I'll talk to him tonight about it.  I really want them to make up." 

"Okay.  Try to knock some sense into him." 

Kuroo chuckled.  "Alright, my prince." 

Kenma pouted at the nickname, but didn't say anything and just went to start on dinner.  Kuroo smirked and then went to join him in the kitchen. 

When Kei arrived at Kuroo's house from work, he ate dinner with the couple as usual.  They had small talk, but Kuroo didn't bring up Yamaguchi because he didn't know when to talk to Kei about it.  In the middle of eating, Kuroo recieved a phone call.  It was from Oikawa, so he excused himself from the table and went to answer it. 

Kei finished dinner quickly and went up to his room.  Then he went to take a bath. 

As soon as Kei got back to the guest room, he picked up his phone and saw that he had a voicemail from Tadashi. 

Right after he finished listening to the complete voicemail, he felt like a heavy boulder was crushing him from above.  Then Kuroo came barging into the room and shook Kei relentlessly. 

"You are the worst, you dipshit!" Kuroo yelled.  "I can't believe that innocent Tadashi has to deal with you!  You are unbelievable!  Just ridiculous!  He's going to have an abortion because he loves you.  He cares so much for you that he doesn't do anything for himself.  Oikawa told me that he looks like absolute shit and that he looks like he could break any moment.  Stop being a selfish dickhead and just go care for him.  Love him like he loves you.  Spoil him to death because he deserves it!  I don't know what's holding you back, but you've had enough time to think and I am kicking you out tomorrow morning!" 

Kei didn't even get the chance to say anything after Kuroo's lecture slash rant before he turned and slammed the door shut behind him.  Everything started to fall apart on Kei.  He was actually starting to feel scared.  And that's why he decided that he'd go home the next day and stop Tadashi so that they could talk and discuss things together.  He promised himself that he wouldn't run away and that he would show Tadashi how much he loved him because he knew that what Kuroo had said was right.  Kei was being a selfish dickhead and he knew it. 

The next morning, Kei was woken up by his phone.  His neighbor was calling, so he picked up. 

"Tsukishima-san?" the elderly lady asked. 

"Yes, it's me," I told her. 

"I heard some noise from your apartment.  At first, it sounded like someone had dropped a couple of things, but this time there was a loud crash and thump.  I know you're on a business trip, but I haven't seen Tadashi for a while now.  The last time I did see him, though, he didn't look too well, so I was wondering if everything was okay." 

Kei felt his heart drop.  He wondered if something had happened.  "I-I don't know...  I just got back from my trip and I'll be home soon to check it out." 

"Alright, please do let me know if everything is okay." 

"I will.  Thank you." 

Kei hung up and changed his clothes lightening fast.  Then he woke Kuroo and asked him to drive him home right away. 

"I know I said I was kicking you out, but it's the weekend and it's so early," Kuroo told him. 

"I know, but I think something happened to Tadashi." 

"Like what?" 

On the way to Kei and Tadashi's apartment, Kei explained what his neighbor had told him to Kuroo and Kenma.  They got there pretty quick and rushed upstairs. 

As soon as Kei unlocked the door, he ran insdie and looked for his lover.  He searched the bedroom first.  Then he ran to the bathroom.  There was a bit of vomit in the toilet and on the seat, along with a couple of toiletry items scattered on the floor. 

"Tsukishima!" Kuroo called from the kitchen.  "He's over here!" 

Immediately, Kei ran over to where Kuroo and Kenma were.  Kei almost collapsed when he saw Tadashi.  Oikawa was right.  Tadashi did look like shit. 

"Tadashi," Kei called out as he knelt down and brought an unconscious Tadashi in close to him.  "Tadashi, wake up right now!  Tadashi!" 

"I think he just fainted," Kuroo said.  "He doesn't look hurt anywhere, but let's take him to the hospital." 

Kei nodded his head in agreement and carefully lifted his husband up in his arms. 

When they reached the hospital, the nurses took Tadashi away on a gurnee. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Kei asked worriedly. 

"We don't know yet," the doctor replied. 

"Please, just make sure he and our baby is okay." 

"We'll try out best, but we can't guarantee anything just yet.  He already seemed like he wasn't that strong to begin with, so the baby's life could be in danger." 

"No, you have to do something!" Kei pleaded. 

"We will do everything that we can." 

Then the doctor left. 

"Tsukishima, relax.  They're just examining him right now.  It's not like he went into surgery," Kuroo said, trying to calm Kei down. 

"Yeah, but what if he has to?" 

"Then he just has to.  You heard the doctor.  They're going to do their best.  It shouldn't take too long." 

Kei paced around for a bit longer before taking a seat next to Kuroo.  Although Kei looked pretty calm on the outside, he wasn't okay on the inside.  He would shake his leg from time to time and glance up at the clock every so often.  Kenma noticed and got up to get him something to drink. 

"Here," Kenma said and helt out the drink for Kei to take.  "Tadashi isn't a weak person.  I know he'll manage through." 

Kei looked up at the blond.  "Thanks," he said and accepted the drink. 

A/N:  Wow, what a chapter!  I hope you liked it! 

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