Extra 2

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In the morning, as both Tadashi and Kei were getting ready for work, Tadashi quickly looked at his calendar on his phone and remembered that he had a doctor's appointment to go to after work.  Knowing that he wouldn't be home on time, he waited for Kei to come back into their room to tell him. 

"Tsukki, I won't be able to cook dinner on time tonight," Tadashi informed Kei as he put on his work shirt. 

"Why?" Kei asked. 

"I have a doctor's appointment after work." 

"Oh...  Can I come with you?" 

Tadashi looked at Kei in surprise.  Then he broke out into a big smile.  "Of course.  But what about work?" 

"I can take off a little bit early today," Kei replied while walking up close to Tadashi.  He placed a hand on the shorter's small, but slowly growing belly lovingly.  "Are you getting an ultrasound today?" 

"I don't know.  I might."

There was a moment of silence before Kei bit his bottom lip nervously.  "Do you still have the first ultrasound?" 

Tadashi nodded.  "It's in my drawer."  He reached into one of his drawers and pulled out a slightly wrinkled piece of paper and handed it to Kei. 

Kei reached for the sonogram and took it into his hands.  A slight frown grew on his face as he remembered what happened that day he walked out of their apartment, leaving Tadashi alone.  The guilt hit him again, but instead of feeling bad for himself or Tadashi, he made a promise to himself that he would love and take care of his family to the fullest for as long as he lived. 

"I'll pick you up from work then?" Kei asked, eyes lingering on the black and white picture for a second longer before looking at the shorter. 

"Okay.  I'll be waiting outside of my work building then," Tadashi replied and kissed Kei's cheek. 

After work, Tadashi waited outside his company's building for Kei like he had told him.  As he waited, he gently caressed his small bump and read up on some pregnancy tips on his phone.  Then, when Kei arrived, he climbed into the car and they went to the clinic. 

At the clinic, Tadashi signed himself in at the reception's desk and then went to sit down next to Kei.  He was feeling a little nervous because the last time he had a check-up was when he was admitted to the hospital and they had almost lost their baby. 

A couple of minutes went by and they were finally called in by a nurse.  The couple walked in together and were led to a small examination room with two sitting chairs on the side, a desk and computer, and an examination bed. 

The nurse asked Tadashi to hop up onto the examination bed so that she could start on the basic check-up while Kei sat silently on one of the chairs.  Once the nurse finished with the short examination, she left the room after saying that the doctor should be in soon. 

When the doctor came in, she introduced herself with a wide smile.  "Hi, I'm Doctor Fujiwara.  You must be Mr. Yamaguchi and Mr. Tsukishima.  Nice to meet you both." 

"Nice to meet you, too," Tadashi replied. 

She shook both Tadashi and Kei's hands before sitting at the desk and looking at the computer.  She quickly looked over the information on the screen that was given and then had Tadashi lay down so that she could measure his tummy. 

"I looked over the information that you sent us and I know that you've been admitted to the hospital a couple of weeks ago.  How have you been feeling since then?" the doctor asked while feeling his lower abdomen. 

"I've been feeling fine.  I rested for a week after I was released from the hospital," Tadashi answered. 

Doctor Fujiwara asked a couple more questions about the whole incident and how Tadashi's health was before he got pregnant and how his health was after he got pregnant.  Then, once she was done with the check-up, she explained about what symptoms he may have in the upcoming weeks and what's going to be happening with his baby as it grows.  Then she brought them over to a different room where they will be doing an ultrasound. 

Again, Tadashi got up onto the examining bed and they waited for the specialist to come into the room.  Kei stood right beside him and discreetly slipped his hand into his, cheeks starting to glow a light red color.  Tadashi smiled in delight when he saw the look on Kei's face, feeling all the nervousness from before being washed away. 

The specialist came into the room and began right away.  She dimmed the lights and spread a cool gel over the top of Tadashi's lower belly.  Then, she placed the transducer on Tadashi's lower midsection and moved it around, spreading the gel, before turning the screen towards the couple.  The couple looked at the black and white screen together and squeezed the other's hand gently when they saw their baby. 

"There's your baby," she said.  "Next, let's hear his or her's heartbeat." 

Within seconds they were listening to their little bundle of joy's heartbeat, which made Tadashi tear up.  He couldn't believe that he was carrying his and Kei's baby, and just hearing the heartbeat made everything feel even more real to him. 

Tadashi looked up at Kei, only to see him staring at the screen with awe and it made him feel all happy and bubbly inside.  He was glad that things turned out the way that they did even though the beginning of their journey started out rough. 

The specialist and Dr. Fujiwara talked to the couple a bit more; then the nurse had them fill out some paperwork before they left the clinic.  They were done within 20 minutes and then out to their car. 

Once they were in the car, Tadashi pulled out the sonogram and looked at it once again with a wide smile.  He felt glad that everything was okay and his baby was healthy.  Doctor Fujiwara did say that their baby was a little bit on the small side, though, and for Tadashi to just continue eating healthily. 

As Tadashi looked at the sonogram, he caressed his tiny belly.  He couldn't believe that this tiny fetus that he saw on the piece of paper was growing inside of him. 

"Do you want to find out the gender of the baby?" Kei asked, pulling Tadashi out of his thoughts. 

Tadashi thought for a second.  "Should we?" 

"It's up to you." 

"Hmm...  I think we should keep it a surprise." 


"Did you want it to be a boy or girl?" 

"Either one would be fine with me.  As long as I have you and our baby, whether it's a girl or boy, I'll be happy." 

Tadashi turned his head to look at the blond.  His smile grew even wider, if that was even possible, as he saw the small smile on Kei's face.  He put the sonogram down on his lap and reached over to hold Kei's hand.  "Me, too," he replied happily. 

A/N:  Wow, I can't believe that I got this extra chapter out so much faster than the first one!  Anyway, aren't Tadashi and Kei the cutest?  I just love them so much <3  Oh, and anyone want to take a guess on what the gender of their baby will be?  (Sorry!  I already have a gender planned, not that it really matters much haha :P ) 

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