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This is why I was scared to do anything with Mali didn't know after fucking someone it would turn her into the devil. She acted like we was together and I was surprised she didn't never act this way with Shakira. Hmm this was a serious matter now because she took shit too far. I was over here catering to Riko's needs because her face was hurting after getting punched in it. I don't understand wtf is really going on but I just know that Riko deserves an apology. I was going to tell Shakira and I hope she would agree with me but knowing her she'll probably side with Mali's ass. Ugh I was gonna stop thinking about it for now but I wasn't letting this go. "Hey babe I'm sorry for all this commotion", I said hugging Riko. "It's cool next time we'll just go to my people house", she said. I know she was probably mad but I would make it up to her though. "Yo babe I'm tired if you can get me some more meds than you good to go home after", Riko said. "Ugh don't really wanna go back there but I understand that you're tired", I said with a sad look on my face. "I would let you stay but that's kinda too fast baby girl", Riko said reassuringly. I nodded because she is right but I just like to get my way. Anyways I went to go get her some more meds and she was out.

I sat them down on her dresser and requested a Lyft to her house so I could go back. Hopefully my best friend was home so we can have a talk to see why Mali acted the fuck out. Maybe my best friend wasn't giving her enough pussy. I think she better start because the shit Mali pilled was ridiculous. She gonna get her own self caught if she keeps this shit up. She gonna fuck around and tell everything and I didn't want no parts in that. Anyways my Lyft was five minutes away so I made my way to the living room. I just hope Riko is doing better but I would stop by in the morning. I couldn't wait til my mom got my car after I got settled into my townhouse. Just a few more weeks and ima be out of Shakira's house and in my own shit. I would let my mom get me a hotel until than and it would be a better idea. I didn't want anymore awkwardness to be going on. My Lyft has finally arrived while I was deep in my thoughts. I went out and I rode with my headphones in the whole ride there. I was back at Shakira's and I wasn't ready to see Mali's face at all.  I hope she wasn't here I said to myself as I took a big sigh. I walked in the house and I saw Shakira looking upset on the couch.

"Where's Mali", I asked with a concerned look. "I don't know I'm scared she took off cause she says I'm taking sides", Shakira said. I shook my head in disbelief because that was typical of Mali to say. "Well hopefully she'll stay gone and I'm ready for your dad to get back", I said. "Oh damn our folks are back home tomorrow I have to get this place clean so can you help", Shakira said. She had a worry look on her face but nothing in the house really looked out of place. The kitchen was a little messy so really we just needed to organize everything else that was a mess. We started cleaning and about an hour later we were done and I was now feeling tired. Today has been a long day for sure but hopefully tomorrow can go much better. I hope Mali stays where she was at cause I honestly don't wanna see her face. I'm sorry I even fucked her and now I feel bad. What if my best friend finds, than she'd be done with me and Mali. I just don't want her thinking bout it or saying it and it slip up. Anyways enough about what I did wrong, Shakira needs to be done with the whole situation, just let Mali be and find you another stud. I wouldn't tell that to her face though because my best friend is sensitive. I just don't want her to be hurt by Mali or anyone.

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