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I realized after being a bitch I should go apologize to Mali because my best friend's mom just died and I shouldn't even be worried about being fucked right now. Sometimes I can be so inconsiderate about shit but I was gonna be the adult and fix this. I sighed going downstairs to see if Mali was still here and she was, she was staring at the TV and it was off. She must really have a lot on her mind or either she's just high as hell. "Hey Mali look I wanted to apologize about earlier", I said sincerely. "It's cool, I'm just deep in thought about my mom now she didn't accept me being gay and we have no bond so if she die I won't care", she said with truth. That was crucial to say but I don't even know what this girl has been through but I felt her pain. I don't know what's it like to not have support and love from my mom because both of my parents have always been there for me. I guess I been fed from a golden spoon cause I got it good, but I want to finally know what's it like to be independent. I want to do things on my own and I'm tired of people doing stuff for me. That's why I was deciding to go to school and find me a full time job and work my ass off. I needed to go talk to my mom about this.

I knew she would probably be fine wit it but my dad thinks I'm going to be a princess forever and that's not the case. I'm getting older here, I know for a fact I can't mooch off his money forever. Anyways I sat down on the same couch as Mali but didn't get any closer because I didn't want her to trip or think I wanted to come onto her. This was just a sad ass day and I'm tryna be here for my best friend because I know it's killing her inside that her mother is gone. Now she has to deal with her dad being sad because her mom didn't even apologize to him. All the shit he put up with this woman and still no apology and I feel where he is coming from. I wish I could be there for support but my best friend didn't want anybody to tag along. All I know is that she will be strong and could face anything. I know that after all that is over with she'll be back her normal self and they'll be over it. I know that her dad will be okay they just need to get their mind off it and just relax. Overthinking about what happened in the past puts too much stress on you and that's bad for your health. Mali still had the TV off and it was awkward sitting here in silence so I grabbed the remote. 

I cut the television on and finally I didn't feel awkward anymore, Mali just looked down at her phone and wasn't even doing nothing on it. She must really be depressed about her mom and maybe she was contemplating on calling her mom. She shouldn't have to reach out to her mom, her mom should reach out to her. Her mom disowned her just because she liked girls and that is ridiculous. Hopefully maybe she can talk to her mom one day and figure something out because between her and Shakira their relationships with their mother both has been rocky. Mali hasn't lost her mom but I wonder how she would feel if she did. I overheard her one day talking saying how her mother was already dead to her. It must have been really bad living with her mom and thankfully her dad loves her no matter what. I just think everybody needs that love by their family and it'll make everything be alright. I was content with not being able to fuck Mali and I put the thought in the back of my mind. I just wanted everybody to be at peace and relax. "Hey I'm bout to smoke do you wanna hit the blunt", Mali asked putting a blunt to her lip. "Yes I need to smoke anyways today has just been sad and long", I replied and did a little grin. "Don't be sad for us just be here for us", Mali said and with that I nodded and agreed. 

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