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Obi Wan watched the lines of stars stream past him begging the force to hurry them to Polis Massa.

Padme again woke as she was being carried to the med center room where the Med droid checked her over. After his initial check he left her to go talk to Obi Wan and Bail.

Padme looked around her room and she tried lifting her head to see where the doctor went. Her head felt like a lead brick so she just lies back down. 

She thought on Anakin and her heart felt like it was tearing in two. Why had she gotten pregnant? Why had she been so foolish to keep secrets from Anakin? In fact why had her heart betrayed her by allowing her to fall in love with Anakin anyway? She knew it was wrong. They had been married 3 years and she hardly had a chance to be a real wife. All that hiding and lying for the one thing she thought was real. Real? Do I even know what is real anymore? My husband, the one who made my life better, has turned into a monster. Though I know he still has good in him.

 I know I saw it when I tried making that connection again, but even that connection is not enough to keep him loving me. What has happened to him? Such awful power I felt, and then he tried killing me. I can't blame him though. It looked like I betrayed him. But I loved him. I still love Him. I still want him. I Still live for him. I can't live without him. He doesn't me anymore! WHY!

At that moment, Padme's belly was gripped in a horrendously strong contraction. She screamed at the suddenness and strength of it. The medical driod rushed back in along with Obi Wan. Padme held out her hand reaching for Obi Wan's, trying to draw strength from him. He grabbed her hand and sat with her as the doctor accessed her. The droid told Obi Wan he was going to take the children, because Padme would not live through a delivery.

"Children?" Obi Wan questioned.

"Yes, twins."

"Padme you are having twins. You must try to live for them."

Why? When their father does not want them or me. She cried out in pain as another contraction wracked her body. She lies panting afterward because she could not seem to catch her breath.

"Can't you do anything for her?"

"She is almost ready." the droid said as he gave her a local shot of anesthetic. "I need her as awake as possible or she will die before the twins are born."

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