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Anakin sat in the chair beside his bed watching Padme sleep. He had slept 3 nights at her side and sat 3 days watching over her. Though they hardly ever touched, he felt more relaxed and at peace than he had in years. Padme's body needed time to recuperate after the ordeal she had been through. The Dr had been here and aside from being drained of much of her strength Padme was fine. Anakin was determined to get her well as soon as possible because he knew The Emperor would not leave him alone too long.

Anakin could not think about the Emperor though because if he did such a wave of guilt and shame would flood him causing a paralysis of mind and body. Whenever his mind would travel to those thoughts a cool breeze would fill his mind bringing temporary soothing.

Anakin did not know this but Qui Gon was responsible for these force-soothing breezes. He did this not to make Anakin forget his deeds but he needed to have Anakin's mind fully functioning because there was things Anakin needed to learn. He needed an apprentice who was fully functioning and didn't need his hand held every step of the way.

Qui Gon had other business to tend to today he needed to go into the heart of Evil undetected. True he was a spirit but through the force spirits could easily be detected and he did not need to be felt by anyone or anything this day. Palpatine was always on alert for force sensitive beings. Qui Gon needed to plant an idea into Palpatine's mind and when he needed to communicate with the living he could be sensed. He watched Palpatine go through his day so he could plant the thought at the perfect time. Finally it came toward the end of the day. Palpatine had a meeting with Grand Moff Tarkin about the new Space Station. Right in the middle of Tarkin droning on about who was promoted and who was demoted, Palpatine was in a state of barely paying attention. Quick as lightening Qui Gon planted the thought and left.

Tarkin was done with his report and Palpatine praised him for keeping on schedule. Tarkin was dismissed and Palpatine hit the com to his personal connection with Vader. It beeped and Palpatine waited. Anakin answered and Palpatine gave him some surprising news. Palpatine was giving Vader a month off for working so hard and pleasing his master. Vader thanked Palpatine and switched off the com. Anakin was puzzled what had caused the Emperor to do something so extraordinarily nice. Palpatine never rewarded where Vader was concerned. He always pointed out flaws criticized any amount of weakness and made him work very hard. After a short pondering though Anakin decided to not question the supreme one and just get back to Padme.

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