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Padme was awake when he entered the room. She looked rested and more like her. Anakin sat beside her and she threw her arms around him. He reveled in the feel of her in his arms again. Passions stirred in him but they were quickly shot down by a small cry from Padme. She had yet to deal with the death of her baby and though she had only carried it for 6 months it was a big loss to her. She was never able to mourn the loss of her twins, which she knew were out there somewhere, and then she looses her next child. She needed to spill out her feeling to Anakin, and He was there holding her right now.

Anakin held her as she cried so her heart would break. All he could do was cry along with her. Finally she blurted out, "They are gone. All our children are gone."

There was nothing to say to that. What could he say? He felt the pain and guilt stab him freshly. He knew it was his fault the twins were taken from her and any hope of some kind of redemption with the new child was dashed to pieces 6 months ago.

"I had such hopes each time. I only got a glimpse of Luke and Leia before there was nothingness. I dreamed of days with this one for I would not let this one be taken from me. But I failed." and she crumbled against him again.

"You did not fail my love. I failed you and that led to my failure with the children. I was so scared for you and I let my emotion rule my actions. I just could not let go of my fear. I tried once but it came back gripping so hard to my heart I could not breathe. I failed you though and I lost you anyway. I thought I was redeemed when I found you but I was not. Even now I am not redeemed, but I love you with my whole heart. I hope earn your love again."

Padme looked at him in amazement as he confessed his feelings to her. She heard for the first time in her life some of his true feeling of inadequacies. He had always tried to prove himself the Hero to her, but she knew what was always hiding inside. He just never said such things to her.

"Oh Anakin! Will you never learn? You have NEVER needed to earn my love it has always been there. Even when you were Vader I loved you. Why else would I stay with you? I knew you were there somewhere deep inside. Somehow I thought maybe this child would bring you back to me."

"You know in a way he did. I am here and it is because of the baby. You, my love, you never once upset me. You always have been my angel. I loved you the first time I saw you and never once was disappointed in you. Please stop feeling like a failure."

"I will if you do one thing for me."


"Rest knowing that I love you."

Anakin throat closed with emotion as he pulled her into a crushing hug. Padme took that as a yes and each soon found healing in each other's body's as well as their hearts.

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