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Sabe picked up Padme and took her to an empty room just short way down the hall. Padme lay on the bed and soon fell asleep. Sabe went to work. She checked all immediate flights off the planet. There was only one transport going to a place decent enough to send Padme. The transport was going to Roon. 

They had good medical facilities, and it was in the outer rim so it would not be place Palpatine or Anakin would look right away. She registered her under the name Ami and she was a refugee. No one would recognize her in her state of depleted physical health. So she would disappear without a trace. Sabe decided that she would then take her place in the morgue. She looked so much like Padme she was sure the droid wouldn't know the difference. She only hoped she could fool the others When everything was taken care of she went back to the hospital to get Padme.

Padme felt stronger after her rest so she went to the docking bay holding Sabe's hand. She did not want to draw any attention to herself at all. She dressed as a plain person with a cloak covering most of her face. By the time she reached the docking bay she was quite weak and the cloak hid most of her face so she did not see too well where she was going; she failed to hear Sabe's word of warning and she bumped into an equally cloaked figure.

Palpatine had left his new apprentice in the capable hands of the droid doctors. He had heard through a source that Padme Amidala had been brought to Naboo for her funeral. He decided to go to the funeral. After all he was her "friend". 

Really he wanted to make sure it was her. He took his private transport and landed in the docking bay at night. This way he could be undetected. He did not want the people to know he was there, Just Yet!

He had plans for after the funeral though. He pulled the hood over his head and walked quickly through the crowd. He dodged, as many people as he could but suddenly it seemed out of nowhere two ladies seemed to be right in front of him. He ran into the one causing her cloak to fall away from her face.

"Padme" he said oily, "how nice to see you." He smiled wickedly down at the bleached white face.

Padme was shocked into another blackout and fell to the floor. Sabe tried to scream for help but was silenced by a knife expertly stabbed into her heart. Palpatine quickly called a servant over to take Padme to his ship. As for Sabe she had her own purpose to serve, he took her to the mortuary and placed her on the table that had held Padme. Palpatine planned on having the funeral recorded so he could show his apprentice that his wife was really dead.

In truth, Palpatine was going to keep her alive. His hatred for her caused him to decide to make her fate far worse than death. He had a few things he had been dying to tell her since her days as queen. He wanted to watch her suffer and suffer badly.

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