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Vader woke the next morning feeling happy and complete. Padme was curled into his side just where she belonged. He wanted to stay right where he was at this moment but he knew it was time to get back to the emperor. Palpatine would be expecting him soon. Vader would never do anything to make Palpatine suspect him of anything. He knew that when Padme woke up he would have to break the news to her. Somehow of all the times he had dreamed that he had her back in his arms there was never any leaving involved. Well then again he never thought she would come back to his arms ever again. So he had to take one thing at a time. Now was not the right time for revenge. It was the time though to search for his children.

The thought of his children drove him from bed though he was careful to not wake Padme from her sleep. It hurt beyond words to know that HIS children were out there somewhere and he did not know where. He went out to the veranda and breathed in the fresh clean air. He stood facing the morning sun and brooding about his children when he felt a soft hand slide across his back. Instantly the cloud over his head dissipated. Amazing he thought, one little touch from her and my world becomes clear. How did I ever live without her? Oh yes I lived with no light in my life. She knew nothing of his thoughts though as she stood next to him. They stood silent for a while and then Vader broke the silence.

"I must leave today."

Padme sucked in her breath and let it out in a big sigh. "I knew it was coming. I hoped I could have you for another week at least though."

"You know I would stay if I could but Palpatine will be looking for me."

Padme stiffened at that name. She doubted she would ever hear that name without hate rising in her heart threatening to boil over. Vader drew her close to reassure her that he would protect her at all cost from him.

"How long will you be gone?"

"I need to go to Corusant and be at the base there fro awhile. I may be gone 2 months."

"It is what we are destined to do, isn't it? There will always be something in our lives to keep us apart." Padme said with such sadness in her voice that is was almost like a black hole had filled her voice. She had dreamed of having him back but she suddenly realized she might never have him the way she truly wanted.

Vader wanted her to be happy again, but he also had to go. He could not destroy the emperor yet he was not strong enough. There were still things he needed to learn. Vader was not sure how he would know when the time was right, but he was sure the force would tell him when he was ready. Right now, the thing he wanted most was to find his children.

"Padme, I want you to know that I will be busy not just with the my duties but I will looking for the children."

A light shone in Padme's eyes and then tears glistened in them. "I fear it will be an impossible thing. I remember having the twins but I have no idea where I was."

"It does not matter. I will find them. Now there is something I want to tell you. This Palace is in a force void. I chose this place for my home just for that reason. I wanted a place where I could go without Palpatine being able to know my every move. It is far away from any town. Now if you leave this place Palpatine could detect you. I say this because it is true; not because I want confine you. I want to be able to come home to you; not find you missing because I failed to make this clear."

"Two whole months without you and now I can't even leave the palace! Oh Vader! Will I live like Normal person?" She cried as tears streamed from her eyes. She grew so angry at what had become of her life that when Vader tried to comfort her she pushed him away and ran into fresher to cry. Half an hour later she came out looking normal.

"Are you ok, Angel?"

"Yes Vader, I will be fine. I just .... I have trouble sometimes with how my life has turned out. It seemed so perfect just 5 years ago. Nothing is right anymore. I had hoped that when I woke up and saw you everything would be just right but really it is worse. Why can't we just live by ourselves and not bother with that Man in power."

"I can't just leave him without him making it his mission in life to hunt me down and when he finds me he will find you. Do you really want that?"

"No" She said dejectedly.

"I won't loose you again. Please stay here so you are safe. If you need or want anything please tell Jennifer and she will get for you. I won't be gone longer than necessary. I promise."

"I believe you. Now I need one more thing from you before you go."

"What Is that?"

She said nothing she just led him over to the bed and smiled.

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