Vader was busy on the bridge of the Executor. Things were running smoothly and all was going according to plan. This new job the Emperor had given him seemed to be just the opposite of their normal routine. The emperor wanted this world to come into the Empire but not by force. This time he wanted Vader to help the people.
The planet of Honoghr was dying and the Emperor saw it as a way to continue expanding his universe but this time he would show an act of kindness. But What Vader did not know was that the Emperor truly wanted to make them slaves to him forever. They would do want ever he wanted so that he could "heal" their land. Vader was curious about this act of "Generosity" but the Emperor assured him that not all worlds must be taken by force. Vader laughed but he left to do the bidding of his Master.
It was while departing for the planet that Vader felt a massive ripple of sadness flow through the force to him. He knew there was only one person capable of sending such a shockwave towards him and it would have to have been something major that happened to make the affects expand out towards him from that guarded place where she was held. The grief and despair hit him and enveloped him like it had her. Though he did not know why, he knew he had to get to his room and call home. Something horrible had happened there.
"Captain, you have the bridge. Don't let anything go wrong."
It was all he said before he left at hopefully natural pace. He got to his room, opened the safe, and pulled on the false wall that only he knew how to get to and quickly commed Padme. To his shock and fright, it was not Padme who answered but Jennifer.
"Jennifer, I thought I told you not to answer this comlink."
Jennifer froze in fear but suddenly the fear of his chocking hold on her throat scared into talking fast.
"My Lord, I would never presume to disobey you but for the fact that Lady Padme can't answer right now."
"Why Jennifer? What has happened to Padme?" He practically screamed at her into the com.

FanfictionThis is my second Star wars fanfic. Thanks to my bff for encouraging me and helping me to get this here. This story starts at the very end of Anakin and Obi Wan's fight in revenge of the Sith. This is an AU Padme does not die. Anakin does not loose...