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Vader got up he and he started pacing the Balcony. He was muttering to himself as he was pacing. "Lies everything that man ever told me was lies. ..... I can't..... Stupid..... More powerful than him someday."

Padme did not hear everything he said nor did she care too much about what he said. She was lost in her own world at the moment thinking about the children. What had happened to them? Everything was fuzzy in her mind about that day except that she clearly remembered twins being born.

Suddenly Vader came over and sat beside her. "What were their names?"

"The boy was Luke and the girl was Leia."

"Did they live?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? How can you not know?" He practically yelled at her.

She did not know why he had to yell at her about it. It was not her fault. In fact, if she was to blame someone it should be him. He was the one who left her in the critical moment of her life."I don't know, because I was apparently dead as soon as they were born. No thanks to you." She spat back angrily through the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.

At that Vader, who reacted with volcanic emotion, smacked Padme across the cheek quite hard. Padme stood up and left him on the balcony. She ran downstairs and called for Jennifer. She was going to leave and she needed help.

Jennifer came right away and she went with Padme to the room. Suddenly Padme realized she had nothing. What am I going to do? she thought. She would not stay with a man who slapped her. She'd had enough of men's cruelties when she was a prisoner. She would not take it when she had the chance to stand up for herself. She did the only thing she could do at the moment. She left the room that she had shared with Vader since coming. She moved to the Blue room and she locked the door.

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