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Vader stood on the deck of the Executor scanning the blackness of space. He used to find joy looking into the vastness of space, butnow it is just space. Another planet to bring into the Empire,another star shining out there - nothing was special anymore.

 He had once dreamed of "giving" all this to his son or daughter. Such dreams are gone now. Padme had once given him all the hope and joy he had ever needed. She was gone now too. When the Emperor had shown him the holo of her funeral, everything had died. Nothing is important now. Now he was Vader; a force to be reckoned with and a power beyond anything he had ever dreamed. Everyone feared him, and not so much for what he could do but for the way he looked.

His arms were no longer flesh and blood they were steel and wires.They were hard enough and powerful enough to knock you senseless with one swift blow. His eyes held a cold steel stare on you.There was no ounce of care in them anymore. Why should there be?

Everything he had worked for was gone. Now all that was left was cold hard and unforgiving power. Power kept him from caring.Caring was an emotion wasted on all. Caring only brought heartache in the end.

He wielded his power like he wielded his light saber. You knew if it came down on you. No one was ever spared. You went to bed very happy if you never crossed paths with Vader. You breathed a sigh of relief if you left his presence unharmed. Whole planets would sign whatever treaty was required of them just to avoid contact with Vader. Those who were stupid enough not to be afraid of him were soon taught to have respect for the man in the black cape.

Many never lived through their lessons, but a few were spared so they could become his henchmen.Vader watched the star systems from his window now thinking about how much he loved being in charge of all these systems. Nothing in his life had ever come as easily as this power had come to him. If only he had found this power earlier, his life would have so much better. He had been powerless as a slave on Tatooine. Then he had small amounts of power as a Jedi; but he was always forced to hold back the power. Palpatine had encouraged the power to come out and now it possessed him so perfectly. He was the most powerful being in the universe. He was satisfied now in life.

Can't You? You are the one who killed her.No I only killed you. Get out of my mind.But you are empty.I am not I am full of power.This power is nothing compared to what you had with Padme. She is gone. I can't help that.I am not so easily killed as you think.

AUG! Why must you torment me? I loved her. She is gone now! What more do you want from me! This gives me meaning and

satisfaction. She can never be there for me again. Go away!

Vader stalked off the bridge and went to the prison cells. He picked one man who had dared to defy the orders of his captain and he decided to kill him, only not right away. He needed to make the voice go away. The screams could be heard through out the cellblock.

There you see I am who I am and I like it, so don't come back out. Palpatine was really pleased at how the proof of Padme's death had brought out the darker, more violent Vader. Vader had not disappointed him. He was the best apprentice he ever had up this point. He allowed the powers of the dark side to rule him, add to that his young body and he was the storm that Palpatine had wanted in his other apprentices. Vader was not one who was diplomatic like Dooku. He was smarter than Maul had ever been. Palpatine was proud to have the man at his side. Palpatine was even more proud though of the prize he hid from Vader.

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