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What in the world am I going to do? How can I keep 2 people hidden from Palpatine? There is no telling what he would do to me if he found them. Of all the most awful luck. Well she will just have to get rid of the baby. I will look into who I can trust or who I can kill without it being noticed by the Empire. These were the thoughts running through Vader's mind as he thought on the coming baby.

Oh how I will love having this one in my arms every day of its life. This one I will not give away. Though I actually had no choice last time. I won't let him become paranoid like last time. He sees that I did not die last time though he did all he could to make it happen. This child will know who its parents are and it will be loved. These were Padme's thoughts as she thought on the coming baby.

Padme was happily walking through her garden. She looked at each flower as though she had never seen them before. If it were possible this pregnancy was making her happier than she had ever been in her life. The last pregnancy had been filled with fear from the very beginning. Fear of being caught, fear of what it would do to Anakin, and fear of just being a parent. This time she was ready for anything. Vader would feel her happiness and all would go well this time she was sure of it. The first two months of the pregnancy had been tired filled and sick days though not too sick just enough to keep her from eating a half a shaak. She felt like she could easily eat her weight in shaak meat but she did refrain from such ghastly displays of hunger. Everything seemed to be going well. It was soon time for a nap though tiredness seemed to envelope her like a sleep cloud made just for her. She returned to the house and lay down.

But all did not go well for Padme. A very sharp stabbing pain that ripped though her lower abdomen awakened her. She jolted upright from the suddenness of it but never even made it to a full sitting position. She screamed with the pain and slammed back down on the bed. Jennifer came running in but rushed right back out and called a med droid to come help Padme. There was nothing to be done though and Padme lost the baby.

Words could not describe the feeling of emptiness that filled her shattered heart. She was not prepared for such a devastating blow and there was no around to help her over this emptiness. Her world became dark and a cloud of blackness filled her heart soul and mind. She could not get out of bed she just stared listlessly into the walls surrounding her bed. Jennifer buried the small bundle in the garden. Padme never acknowledged that it was gone she just laid in bed.

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