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Vader stalked onto the bridge of the Executer. He was angry that he had to be back here instead of back in his bedroom with Padme. Oh well he may as well make good use of his time here. First he had to make sure everything was exactly as it should be. He looked around. Everyone was at his or her stations busily working. He noticed that all eyes averted him as he scanned the room. Captain Allen was waiting at the view port for him.

"Things look in perfect shape Captain."

Allen was quite shocked to hear such a thing from Vader and yet it was said in such a low voice no one heard but Allen. His face stayed like a plastered mold though Vader felt a shiver of pleasure run up his spine. Allen's only reply was, "Everyone is awaiting your orders My Lord."

"Well let's not make them wait any longer. Lieutenant set a course for Imperial City."

"Yes sir."

"Captain I will be in my quarters if you need me. Please proceed when ready."

Vader turned and stalked off the bridge. Oh how he hated to go to Imperial city and meet with the Emperor. His heart filled with dread and Anger all pointed at that Man. He was not sure how he was going to keep his hatred under control in front of Palpatine. He still could not believe his luck at finding Padme alive. Yet this thought made his anger boil. He wanted to kill Palpatine but at this moment he would just about settle for anyone and just as luck had it there was an unfortunate trooper who received the brunt of his anger. Vader left him in a heap to be taken care of by an ensign who was just grateful it was not him that happened be in the way.

Vader found his room on the ship dark and empty. He missed the calming essence of Padme that fills his room back on Vjun. He sat at his desk and stared out the window knowing the stars were rushing by way too fast too see them. He only had 2 hours to himself and he wanted to get started finding his children. He knew he could not personally do it so he had to find someone to do it for him. A bounty hunter would easily be able to do it but most bounty hunters could be bought with any amount of money. He had to find someone he could trust and someone who would be loyal only to him. This was not going to be easy.

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