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Padme reached out and touched Vader's cheek pulling his face closer to hers. She touched her lips to his for a soft kiss and started to pull away, but he pulled her back to him and made it a deeper more urgent kiss. Tears started coursing down her cheeks as she felt the passion flow from him. He stopped kissing her and asked her what was wrong.

"Nothing everything is perfect right now. I hoped this would happen one day but that hope was beginning to die. I started to believe what Palpatine said was true and you would never find me."

Fire blazed in Vader's eyes as he held her tightly in his arms again. Palpatine would pay for his treachery towards him, but right now he needed to concentrate on Padme.

"I am here now and I will always be here for you."

She settled into his arms and suddenly felt very tired.

"Vader I am tired. Will you stay with me as I sleep?"

"I have never left your side since I have brought you here."

"How long has that been?"

"Three days."

She snuggled down under the covers and Vader crawled in right beside her. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. She had thought for a brief second that it would be odd that both arms were mechanical but she found them comforting in a way no flesh arm had felt in years. She closed her eyes breathing in his sent and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Vader just watched her breathe in and out. Someday he would make Palpatine pay. Someday, someway. But for now he just lay there thanking the force that he was in that jail hallway at the right time.

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