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Vader woke the next morning and was happy to find Padme by his side. It wasn't a dream. As he sat there looking at her he knew she needed medical attention, but what should he do? If I take her back to the med center Palpatine will surely find out. So where can I take her that will be safe. BAST CASTLE!

Vader went to see Captain Anil. He found him on the bridge giving orders to go to Coruscant. They were scheduled to go there for repairs and rest. Vader shouted, "Belay that order Officer."

All officers on the bridge stood erect and saluted as Vader past. He ignored them and went straight to the Captain.

"Sir, I am sorry for not noticing you on the bridge," he stated rather clipped and stately.

Vader waved the apology aside. "I need to get to Vjun. Immediately!"

Captain Anil did not hesitate getting the order out. Vader left the bridge. He knew they were not far from Vjun so it would only take a few hours at light speed to get there. He went back to his room and waited beside Padme.

Four hours later a knock at Vader quarters brought him out. It was Captain Anil. Anil looked up into Vader's face and reported that they were about to come out of hyperspace. Vader replied, "Good. I will be gone for about a week and I expect things to run smoothly while I am away. Let me know if anything happens that I will be needed for."

"Very good sir."

"You are dismissed, captain."

Anil left and Vader went back to Padme and whispered "Soon, my love, you be at home."

Vader got Padme to his shuttle and dismissed his personal pilot. This was one time he really wanted no one around. He arrived at Bast Castle and he went right to his room. He commed for a Dr. The Dr came and almost turned and left when Vader answered the door. Vader held him in a force grip and said very menacingly, "Dr I would not walk away if I were you."

The Dr coughed as the grip left him and he followed Vader up to his room. He worked on Padme always informing Vader what he was doing as he checked her over. He found her to be basically intact. No internal bleeding or swelling anywhere. He treated her superficial wounds and told Vader how to care for her until she woke up. He taught him how to change the Iv Bags and which one had Medicine in them for building up her strength. He was packing up his things and going to the door when Vader talked to him again he looked at Vader as His hand waved in front of his face as Vader said, "You will remember none of this visit."

"I will remember none of this visit."

He walked out and when he reached his speeder Vader let go of his control on his brain and the Dr sped out of castle's driveway like a demon was on his tail.

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