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Vader watched as Padme lived the next 2 years of her life. She lived as 2 people in her heart. One was the senator, and the other was the wife of Anakin Skywalker. While she played the part of the Senator very well, she was forever and always in her garden tending the roses of love. She could be in the Great hall arguing her point with the other Senators, but everything she did she did so as to make it possible for her husband to come back home to her.

When She received a letter from him she read it 2 or 3 times before putting it down. She savored each word and prayed that this war would soon be over and he could come home to her and stay forever.

Vader noticed that she left her garden not once until something started to eat at her concentration. He had known something was wrong the first time she cried when he left. She had never once complained when he left; nor did she cry once in front of him. She said she never wanted to waste their time with regrets. They chose this life and they should savor each moment they have together since it was precious little time to begin with. Anakin knew that as soon as he left she cried as he did when he was alone in his cabin.

 His last Mission in the Clone Wars was totally different though. She cried hysterically in his arms the last night they had together. She claimed that somehow things were going to change for them and she was afraid that they would be pulled apart. They both thought she might be talking about Anakin possibly dying. He held her and did his best to make it all better but she was distraught. Vader noticed that her tears were not good for her garden of flowers. Nothing changed so noticeably at first but as those 5 months past and she found out she was pregnant worry set into her mind. How could she hide a baby from the World? Somehow they would be found out, Anakin would suffer badly at the Jedi Hands. How could she curse them like this? She did not at first see this baby as a blessing. Color seemed to seep from the flowers. Never did her love for him waver but fear and worry can cause such distress in the heart of love that things can change.

Five months past, and Anakin came home safe and sound. Anankin's first response to the pregnancy eased Padme's fear and things seemed to be set right for her. She was suddenly not afraid anymore and when he told her his dream and started to fear she felt a new strength that she could face whatever came along. Her garden seems to get better, but it never fully recovered. Vader need not wonder why things never got back to normal because his fear was eating away at him he started treating her different. He started holding on to her with a tight fist and it was choking her. Only slightly at first and she did not even realize the change at first until the one time their minds connected. 

She saw into his heart and saw the barrenness that had become of his life. She suddenly felt the fear that he felt and it scared her. The mind meld was suddenly gone and she was left tortured but the memory. Then she saw the Jedi Temple on fire and her heart suddenly became dry. Vader had showed up at the home hours later and she was expecting a healing rain to fill her heart but no rain came instead he left her feeling more dry. Cracks were starting to appear in the ground. Padme looked around the garden in a frantic search for some water to throw on the ground but there was none to be found. She screamed for someone to help her but the only one who heard was C-3PO and there was nothing he could do.

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