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Neither Padme nor Vader ever noticed the man standing quietly in the background. Padme noticed nothing now though because after she lost her baby the bush died. Padme gave up caring, she gave up trying and she gave up wanting to live. Her dry heart could no longer take any more. She lies beside the shriveled up bush teetering between life and the endless blackness of death.

The skeletal man could not stand by and just watch as his beloved's soul left her body. He could not let her die when this was one time he could definitely save her. A light saber appeared in his hand and in one fell swoop he loped off Vader's head.

Vader never realized what hit him, but suddenly Anakin was a strong again. Killing Vader gave him all the strength to become himself again. He stumbled over to Padme and took her in his arms cradling her, tears fell unabated from his eyes, he cried out "Padme it's me Anakin and I love you." Life giving words.

 As his tears fell a shaking started to occur on the ground where his tears fell. From the ground burst forth a fountain of water shooting 20 feet into the air covering the ground with water. The shriveled bush drank the water greedily and Padme stirred in the arms of her love.

Qui Gon sank into the background. He would be back. He would be needed again but right now these 2 needed some privacy.

Anakin awoke from the dream crying, but to his amazement Padme was looking into his eyes.

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