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"I will be ready."

"Really? Ready for any complication?"

"Yes, my powers have not faded. I am ready for anything."

"Oh Anakin, you are still full of pride. Isn't that one of things that caused your downfall?"

Anakin was struck by what Qui Gon said. He had never analyzed why he had fallen to the dark side. He thought about all the times he had heard Qui Gon, Mace, Obi wan, and almost every other Jedi he was around talk about him as the Chosen One. The Chosen One, he had loathed that title but it also gave him a sense of self-importance in the Temple. No One would have even considered him had it not been for the prophecy. He got away with so much because no one wanted to kick him out of the Order. He had gone so far as to say they owed him that seat on the Council. He Was The Most Powerful Jedi. That Singular thought had led him down a path of Self-destruction and pain. He had lost both arms and suffered burns trying to prove he was better, and just now he could have lost again.

"Master Qui Gon, I am ready to learn, but I am not sure I can just make it go away."

"I am glad to hear that Anakin but letting go of self is never easy. One of the most important things you can learn in life is to live for others. Living always for yourself only brings misery to you. Jedi serve others and Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training. Do you remember those phrases from the Jedi code? " Qui Gon asked.

"Yes Master."

"Believe me I will not be shoving the code down your throat. They are great ways to live but sometimes they were used as a way to not think for ones self. I am hoping to use some of those things to help you become the man you were intended to be. But that is enough for today. You are worn out and ready for a little care. Have Padme rub down your muscles real good I want you ready for more tomorrow."

Anakin was relieved to be done for now. "Thank you, Master" He said as he turned and left the room.

Qui Gon sighed well one hurtle was crossed today how would he react to the next one he was to cross. Qui Gon had plans for him to give up his tight grip on Padme. He must let go of his fear of loosing her, for only by letting her go will he truly be ready to face the Emperor.

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