Cinema date

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Dan and Phil are teens to scared to ask each other out.
*Dans PoV*
Eyes heavy, I walked down the damp path. Feet dragging, I plugged my earphones in.
Mouthing music, I arrived at hell. The only thing that gets me through my day was the thought of a very special person. My best friend Phil Lester. Phil has been my best friend for many years now and recently we both came out. I only realised now that I am in love with the sweet, pastel boy. But I thought... how could he love a dark, punk boy like me. I pushed negative thoughts out my head as I saw him standing by his locker. He was wearing a white jumper with light blue trousers. He had light pink shoes but what was most striking of all was his black hair pushed up in a quiff. His locker was lit up and covered with photos. I realised the photos were of us. My heart was happy for a moment... until I remembered.. best friends.
I looked down at my outfit, a black shirt with grey trousers and white shoes and jumper, and thought I looked too depressing next to Phil. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Phil screaming my name. "Dan!" He shouted calling me over. I walked over and he hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. He smelt like his usual, lavender and rose. Not very masculine but that was Phil for you. "How was your weekend Dan?" He asked while letting go of me. "It was ok. Mostly just played video games." I said back. "Cool. I did roughly the same." Phil said his face lit up with joy. Wherever he went, rooms were brighter. His joy was infectious. And for an boy who everyone was scared of and never allegedly smiled, it wasn't great at times. Phil closed his locker putting books in his bag and we started walking to our first lesson. We had English. It went slow. The only thing I thought about was Phil who was sat in front of me.
Bell went. Next lesson. Geography. Slow.
Bell went. Break time. Me and Phil went outside and sat on the grass everyday.  Phil was talking about something and I wasn't exactly listening. I know I should but. "Sound good Dan?" Phil said. "Hm?" I said confused.
"You weren't listening again, were you?" Phil said chuckling. He pushed a strand of hair back up into his quiff. "I asked if you wanted to see a film with uh me? I understand if you uh don't want to." He was nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "What?" I was stunned. Did Phil ask me out? Or was it just as friends? "I can see you are confused. I mean as uh more than uh friends." He was steady his nervous breath calming himself down. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Dan? Oh I get it. No. Ok that's fine-" he mumbled before I interrupted him. "Of course I do. When?" I said. Phil's face lit up even more. "Tomorrow night?" He said. "Sure Phil."
"DAN!" I heard a voice scream. I snapped out of it to see Phil standing by his locker. He looked at me confused. I felt dazed. It was a dream. "Oh sorry. I zoned out." Phil laughed and closer his locker. "Ready to go?" He said. I nodded and we walked close by each other. "That uh date sounds nice. See you tomorrow." Phil grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

I hope someone enjoyed. If you did, hope you have a nice day. I have no idea what to say.

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