Sk8er Boi

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Do I need to explain this one?!
Multiple parts coming soon!

*Dans PoV*
Looking at him from a distance as he talks to all his popular friends.
Pushing his hand through his thick, raven black hair while laughing at some joke I can't quite make out.
Smiling and winking as some girls walking by, giggling as they "accidentally" stroll by him.. as if they don't know he sits there everyday.

He glances over and bits his lip. Our gaze locks for a few second, lingering, before he looks away. Not but two seconds later, he looks back at me. He stops biting his lip and smirks at me with a knowing look.

I'm confused... does he know who I am?
I'm just a loner skater weirdo who those bitches he's friends stare down at. He must have been looking at some chick behind me.

*Phil's PoV*
I glance over at him.

His clothes, baggy and tight-fitting at the same time.
In his hand, he's twisting a pencil and throwing it up before catching it again.
He's slouching on a bench one arm over the edge.
His straightened hair was starting to curl as it was hot but he didn't care.

I wish I was him sometimes. Every thinks I am happy but I can't be unless I can see him everyday. There's just something about him that.. makes me feel weird inside.

I keep glancing at him. I realise he's staring at me.. why? Some girls walk by blocking my view. I manage to catch his face through the girls. He's pissed. Just to annoy him more, I wink at the girls in turn causing them to giggle. I steal a quick glance at him. Angry as he could be. He rolls his eyes and looks away before looking back in my eyes. Our eyes lock and everything seems to slow down. I decide to look away but quickly look back.. he's still staring. Cute. Wait no.. not cute.. funny..

*Dan's PoV*
I just had science and I left the classroom as normal and went to leave for home. It was last lesson so I could finally leave. I saw Phil leaving as well. We always walked in the same direction as we lived fairly close. He walked with his friends, me alone as usual, and they slowly drop off one by one until it's just Phil.

I pulled on a pair of head phones and leave. Phil slowly follows with his friends who always laugh at me and throw things at me. I ignore it as it's a waste of time.

As everyone had left Phil, he caught up with me. We walked side by side. I was confused.
"Hi Dan!" He said brightly.. he knows my name..? I didn't know what to say without sounding cringe or insane or nervous or that I liked him like the smallest biggest amount.
I failed. Badly..

*Phil's PoV*
"Sup Phil" I looked past the first word... he knows who I am.
"Bye Phil." He said suddenly.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
Home, you idiot, where else?!
"Uhh, home?" He said pulling off his headphones.
"Oh ok. I'll uh see you tomorrow to walk to school.." I said
You made plans without asking.. great you friking spork...
"Sure, I guess." He said and turned around.
I jumped up and down silently.
He heard somehow and spun around..
I stopped jumping in time and smiled awkwardly..
he just turned and left.. great


Ok so that's it for the first part of Sk8er Boi. Hope you like it! -e

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