Lion or Serpent? Pt.2

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*Four Years Later*

*Phils PoV*

"This year Hogwarts shall be hosting the triwizard tournament. You will place your name in the goblet if you so wish. But I must warn you, do not take this lightly. It is a dangerous thing. Thank you all, we shall decide our champions in three days at midnight." Dumbledore finished his announcement and we began the feast.

I was talking to some people when Dan tapped my shoulder. I was in my fourth year at Hogwarts and Dan his fifth. Last year, Dan had asked me out and we had been dating since then. He was sat next to me on the Slytherin table.
"What's wrong Dan?"
Despite being a year younger, I was slightly taller than Dan. It was a great advantage over him some days.
"I uh want to enter the triwizard tournament.. but I want to to be ok with it.."
My breath hitched momentarily, Dan.. in the dangerous triwizard tournament.
Of course Dan would be the perfect champion. Strong, smart, sporty and everyone's favourite, he'd no doubt win. But what if he got hurt? Or worse died?
I wouldn't let that happen. I promise to help him and make him win.

"If you want to Dan, I fully support you. Just be careful, promise me you'll be safe.."
I rubbed his hand gently. He beamed at me gratefully and kissed my cheek.
"I promise I'll be safe."
We finished dinner and left for bed.

The champions choosing came.
And Dan was the Hogwarts champion. When he found out, I hugged him before sending him off to meet the other champions. Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour.
I was happy for Dan.. of course I was.. just worried as well.

First task arrived, I had no clue. Until Dan told me.
"Fight a WHAT?!" I stood up suddenly. Dan dragged me away from prying eyes.
"A dragon, it'll be ok." He reassured me.
And it was ok.
Dan had a few scratches but nothing seriously bad. Fleur had a broken arm and Viktor was fine as well so nothing too bad.
I stayed with Dan all the time and Dan never complained once.

Task two came, no one knew anything about it. We had studied the egg as much as possible and still had no idea what it did.
I was summoned to McGonagall's office. Next thing I remember was opening my eyes in... the Black Lake?! How did I get here? Dan was holding me on round the waist and beaming at me once more. I loved that smile.

When we reached the shore, he explained everything. I was the most important thing to him. I kissed him and smiled at him again.
We left the lake having one first place and wrapped in many towels.
We spent the whole evening by the fire, warming up.

The next part will be the ball and last task. If you have not read or watched Harry Potter, you must have no clue what the hell i'm on about... go watch and read Goblet of Fire! Enjoy!

Clips of the tasks (shortened) below:

Task one:

Task two:

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