"Mine now.."

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Dan is ill and pillages Phil's wardrobe while he's out..

*Dan's PoV*
Head pounding, throat sore and dry, chest heaving with pain.
I am ill. Phil's out buying medicine. Our internet was down. I needed sleep. I was cold. It was everything I hated in one.

I crept from under a blanket and snuck in Phil's room. I went straight to my boyfriend's wardrobe. I saw a big knitted dark-red jumper with a massive 'P' on the front. It was perfect. I slipped it over my head. Phil was slightly taller than me so it was a bit oversized. Perfect for me. I fell back on my bed and drifted to sleep.

*Phil's PoV*
I had just gotten back with medicine for Dan and I called out his name. No answer.
I assumed he was asleep.

I walked into his room to see him wrapped up like E.T. and wearing my jumper.
'Dan, you awake?'
'Hmmm.' Was all I got in response.
'I have your medicine, sit up.' I whispered helping him up.
I gave him the medicine and he sluggishly took it. Smiling after, he whispered 'You are never having this jumper again. It's mine now.'
It was my turn to smile now as he snuggled onto my lap. He puffed out his cheeks and I began to run my hands through his hair. I knew it calmed him down. He hated the fact I knew.
'Thank you phil.. i love you...' he mumbled in his sleep.
I didn't say it back quite yet as we hadn't said it yet directly.
'Do you not love me?' He mumbled. I felt the smile drop from his face.
Screw it, he may be ill but he's still Dan.
'Of course I love you Dan.'
'Hmm.' He mumbled in contentment.

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