Books, dorms and rainy afternoons

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*Third person view*

It was an early morning. Sun shining through the window and birds tweeting. One boy sat up, smiling and stretching. So far it was a wonderful morning. Another boy woke up, not too far away, and groaned. He stretched as well as he death- stared outside. It was too bright for him.

The first boy got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He washed him face and brushed his teeth. He felt wide awake as he combed his hair into a slight quiff. It mostly fell naturally. He walked back into the room and changed into uniform. It was a pair of grey pinstripe trousers and a white shirt loosely tucked into the trousers. He had a grey jumper on and a red striped tie on. He wore black pointed shoes according to the dress code. As he grabbed his back for the day, he went to leave out the door to the library before breakfast.

The second boy rolled over and fell out of bed.
"I'm awake!" He yelled to no one. Yawning, he shook his head. He groggily walked to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he splashed his face with water and brushed his teeth (not very well as his eyes were hardly open). He never brushed his hair in the mornings as is has a few perfects fluffy curls falling down one side of his face. He walked into his room and searched around his floor for clothes. He found a pair of trousers. "*sniff* yep good enough." Spraying them with his deodorant can, they soon smelt fresh. He did the same for a a shirt and jumper. He pulled on a red tie and grabbed his broken school bag (the zipper had broken and fallen off although he was too stubborn to buy a new one) shoving all the books he needed. He pulled on some shoes and left the laces untied. He pushed open his dorm room door and left down the hall.

The first boy was sat in the corner of the library reading a book, it had a dark green cover on and black with gold writing. He had on leg crossed over the other. One of his hands were twisting a strand a strand of hair, the other holding the book. He was biting his lip slightly in concentration. There was a single stroke of light over the book: highlighting a few sentences.
All was peaceful.

The other boy walked in to the library, yawning and nearly walking into piles of books. He kept having to sling his bag back over his shoulder as it constantly slide off. It was too early for this he thought, all to see one person.
He walked over towards the first boy and slumped next to him. He looked up and smiled at the sleepy boy. He snuggled on his shoulder and he feel asleep while the other read.

As the two walked into the hall for breakfast, they spotted their friends and walked over.
"Hey Phil, Dan you look so tired!" Katie said as their group laughed at the boy hanging on Phil's shoulder.
"When does he not?" Phil said raising a brow. He tapped Dan's shoulder and he smiled widely showing teeth, it disappearing as quick as it came. Phil encouraged him to move and sit down so he did. The two looked out the window. It had began to pelt with rain. What had happened, it was so sunny this morning Phil thought. He looked at Dan. He had thought the same but was also smiling at the rain. Dan loved rain, Phil knew that, he would wish for it everyday just so he could watch the drops fall down the windowpane while listening to music, zoning out. Phil loved this too but preferred outside, in the sun watching nature fly by. Dan was happy it was raining.

The old science teacher walked up to the front, through all the rows of tables. Everyone watched as the teacher strolled to the front. He cleared his throat and got everyone's attention.
"According to the headmaster, we are holding off all lessons due to flooded classrooms. You may only go to the corridors, dorm rooms and the library or in here where you can do revision with teachers. If you wish for food, come here during lunch hours and there will be food as usual. Thank you, you may continue with your meal."
He left the room down the hall once more the way he came. Everyone looked at each other before erupting in cheers. Dan smiled even brighter. Phil, Cat and some other girls at their table began jumping all with most of the hall and the other boys at the table high-fived each other. Dan smiled at Phil. Phil smiled back.

After lunch, Dan was far more awake and grabbed Phil by the wrist and dragged him to the top floor boys dorms. They walked into the common room they shared with all the year 11s and walked in. Dan ran over to the window and sat on the massive window sill. Phil grabbed a black knitted blanket and walked over as well. He was carrying a massive pile of books and Dan had his music. The two shared the blanket as they sat down together.
Dan listening to music and Phil reading books.

A few hours ticked by as Dan watched the rain trickle down. He smiled the whole time.
Phil had gotten through half his pile and may need a few more books. There was a knock on the door and a few other boys walked in. Dean, Tom and Nathan walked in all laughing at something. They all sat on chairs doing homework or something else. A few moments later more walked in. Cat, Veronica and Rebecca walked in. They all did the same as the boys, getting comfy.
It was a peace filled afternoon, everyone laughing at jokes.
Dan watched the rain.

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