Lion or Serpent? Pt.3

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*Phils PoV*
The Yuletide ball. The best part of this whole tournament.
I had been sent a suit from my mother. It was a wonderful white suit. It had a black shirt, white blazer, white tie and black shiny shoes finished with a dark red rose Dan picked for me.
I walked out into the room just outside the Great Hall as I saw people walk by. I could hear the music playing and began to slowly sway to the song playing. I heard everyone suddenly go quiet. I opened my eyes to see Dan walking down the stairs. He had a black suit on with a white shirt and black shiny shoes like mine. It was finished with a white rose in the pocket, one I chose for him.
He was bright red as he walked down the stairs. His hand ran through his perfect curls. I checked my fringe quickly and swallowed the mint in my mouth.
"Phil.. you ready?"
Dan walked over to me and we linked arms. The other champions were lined up and we joined on the end. I could feel Dan shaking slightly, his worst fear was this essentially. I squeezed his hand tightly and he replied with a squeeze back. We smiled at each other before the doors were pushed open and we waltzed in.

The music began and we began to dance, thank god for Professor McGonagall's lessons. It all went very well and we were happy. Dan forgot about everyone watching and had a good time. Soon the music switched to a fast song and we began to jump with our friends.

We arrived back in the Slytherin common room and fell asleep almost immediately, hugging each other. Everyone was fast asleep.


The last came and it was a maze. I kissed Dan on the cheek and sent him off in the maze. I was so worried he wouldn't make it out but contrary to my beliefs, he made it out safe and sound thankfully and with the Triwizard Tournament trophy. Hogwarts won! I never doubted he wouldn't for a minute!

Dan came up and was crowed by everyone. As everyone began to slowly disperse, he came over and hugged me tightly. I felt a small damp patch growing on my back as I pulled away.
"Thank you for believing I could, that's why I won. Because of you and your support. I won for you Phil.."
"I never doubted you for one moment. I love you.."
I realised it was the first time we had ever said it.. was he going to say it back?
He flushed red and so did I.. too far?
"I uh love you too Phil.."
We embraced once more, laughing about something.

Last part of Lion or Serpent, hope you liked it <3

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