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telling by the title, mentions of death and illness's

Walking down the cold street of London, the tears falling felt like icicles. He wiped them away before quickly shoving in hands in the large coat he had on, a pattern of subtle stripes visible. His back was hunched in a introverted way as he came close to his house. He reached the black front door. Before he entered, Dan breathed in and out slowly to compose himself. He wasn't ready.

He pushed the door open to reveal noise coming from a room but no lights in the hall were on. He stripped his coat off and kept walking in the unusually dark apartment towards the noise what seemed to be sobs. Dan saw the lightly lit room and slowly pushed the door open, creaks alerted the boy in the room. The boy stood and walked to Dan embracing him with a second. Dan's back becoming soon damp with tears as was the other boy's back. The two pulled apart yet they kept close together.

"phil.. i'm sorry.." Dan looked ashamed.
"no.. it is not your fault you got..well what you got." Phil croaked out in a hoarse voice.
"but we had a plan. to stay together.. until we were old.. i'm breaking that promise."
More tears fell out the men's eyes.
"Daniel James Howell, it is not your fault. ok? i'll love you forever even if you are here with me or not.. i don't want you to go so let's cherish the time we have together. please.."
Dan looked into Phil's blue eyes; as he did, they changed wildly from blue to a yellowish green. He smiled as he captured his lips in a soft touch. Pulling apart, they hugged once more.
"i'll never really leave you Phil.. never.."


And true to what Phil said, they spent all free minutes together. Laughing and having fun, they truly needed each other. As days passed in each other's arm, Dan's illness got worse. Coughing all day, Phil cried when he couldn't see him. Until it all ended one day..

"I'm sorry Mr Lester.. he's gone.."
Falling down in the chair, Phil broke down. Tears streaming down his face became more frequent as his heart heaved.
In a hoarse voice, he mumbled a words..
"after ten years, it's all over.."

Seated in the chair, he looked up at the lifeless body of Dan. He was still clutching his hand as if willing him to wake up.
He couldn't say goodbye not to him, not to his everything, his light, his.. lifeline..

i'm sorry guys :)

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