paint splatters pt.3

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last one of this mini series <3

dan decided every time he looked up at phil, he was just checking his art. that was all. dan completed the assignment he did and passed with an b+. that was the best he'd ever done in art.
he tried his best to catch phil during breaks and after school but he'd always run away or hide somewhere. he wondered why.
dan finally caught him in his locker once as he piled in books and grabbed some sheets of paper.
'hey phil.'
he said behind him. phil slammed the locker closed and blushed upon seeing who it was.
'hey dan..'
'i just wanted to say.. i got a b+!!'
phil smiled widely.
'that's so good!! well done dan, but i knew you could do it..'
dan smiled and hugged the boy. he was shocked but soon melted into the hug. phil suddenly pulled away.
'i have to go..' he mumbled and ran out.
'what..' dan whispered.

dan decided to visit phil that evening and was shocked to see no one answer the door. he waited until he came home but it was late.
phil got home to see a passed out dan on his front doorstep. he sighed and walked over knowing what he had to face.
he tapped him awake and almost instantaneously, he jolted awake.
'phil? you're finally home! i've been waiting so long..'
'i was at a friends..'
'oh. well we need to talk..'
'what about?'
'you. avoiding me.'
'i haven't been.. avoiding you per say.'
'you have. why?'
phil sighed and sat beside dan.
'it's just.. it's easy for you to talk to anyone, flirting or not, and not get bullied. but it's not for me. your little 'friends' had a chat with me a while ago.. told me to stop talking to you and i'm out of your league.. i was sick of it so i just gave them what they wanted.'
the two sat in silence for a while.
'i don't think i'm out of your league..'
dan held his hand on his knee and phil didn't respond so he grabbed phil's hand and placed it back where it was.
'seriously phil, don't listen to them, ok?'
phil nodded and dan rested his head on his shoulder. they sat for a while and soon dan felt a drip on his head. then phil felt it and soon it began to pour down with rain. but instead of going inside, phil grabbed the side of dan's face and kissed him quickly. he pulled away realising what he did and ran inside. he went to his room and looked outside. he saw dan jumping up and down while punching the air. he laughed to himself and dan looked up.
they smiled and dan ran a hand through his soaked hair.
maybe.. just maybe phil thought..

hope you liked this mini series, if you want me to do this more often, please tell me by commenting on this sentence only :)
does anyone want me to continue fencing  and feelings? if so comment on this sentence only so i can tell, thank you all <3

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