Movie nights

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Dan and Phil have movie nights every Saturday.
Above is the scene I talk about later, watch it if you want to 😁

*Dans PoV*
"Dan you ready?" I heard Phil voice com from the living room.

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute." I shouted back. I had just gotten back from a small trip and was putting on some pyjamas. It was around 9:00 pm and I wasn't tired. I told Phil this and he agreed. We decided to watch a film and order some takeaway.

"I'm here. What are we watching?" I asked Phil.

"Moulin Rouge." Phil replied not looking up. I plopped on the sofa next to him and he moved his arm, beckoning me closer. I fell onto his lap and put my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me with one hand in my hair. He started to twiddle around with one of my curls. It made me blush and feel happy inside. I loved it when Phil did that.

It was near the end of the film and the main two characters were singing a ending song. Phil has been unusually quiet. His hand was still intertwined in my hair, mine still wrapped around him. It was about 10:30 now. I heard a small sniffle from Phil.

"Phil? You ok?" I asked slightly worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." The hand that was around my waist lifted up and wiped his eyes. "It's just a sad film. Because.. they love each other so much but she's dying and will be gone soon. It's not like she's breaking up with, it's the fact that they'll never see each other again. What if that happened to us? I couldn't live without-"
I cut him off by joining our lips together. "You." He whispered.
He smiled and kissed my forehead. I smirk back and moved back to my original position. Phil was playing with my hair again as I began to dose off. He whispered something as I drifted off.

"Come what may, never leave me and I won't leave you. I love you too much for that." He kissed my forehead one more time before he, too, began to fall asleep. He rested his head against mine.

Unknowingly, I whispered back "Come what may, I won't ever and I love you too. Just wanted to know"
I felt him smile against my head.

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