Sk8er Boi 2

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No explanation needed except part two of Sk8er Boi.

*Phils PoV*
We had been walking to school together a lot. It was fun.. until one day my friends found out.
They all said no and stuck up their nose because they had a problem with his baggy clothes.
I had to stop hanging out with Dan.

'Do you understand?' I said quietly as we stood in an empty classroom. I adjusted my clothes and straightened my hair.

'Not exactly why but yes. I understand.' Dan said slouching on a desk.

'Ok well I'll see you soon.' I went to leave but Dan grabbed my wrist and spun my round. He pulled me close and kissed my cheek. He then let go and walk to the door.

'By the way, tell anyone about that and I'll kill you.' Dan said smirking before swinging the door open and leaving.
What. Just. Happened.
I left the classroom with quite a stunned look on my face before remembering
'I have to forget him. No matter how much I want him and he wants me, we can't.'

*5 years from now*
It was about 4:00 in the afternoon and I was sat at home, bored. My wife had been out all day, although I didn't mind as we pretended to be married to each other, we were only together because of our families.
My family never accepted I was gay so they said I had to marry a woman.
I didn't want to but complied out of fear.
We had a child. He had been adopted a few months previously. I was feeding the small child babbling loudly.

I turned on tv and flicked through some shows. I stopped in one in particular.
Dan was rocking out on a stage playing guitar.
When did this happen?!
I was ecstatic to see Dan again. I never did get over him. Especially not after that kiss. Even if it was on my cheek.

I called up my friends, they already knew. They all had tickets to see the show. They said I should tag along and stand in the crowd.
I didn't know if I couldn't look up at the man that I turned down.
Screw it, I love him still.

He was never good enough for my friends and hypothetically me but I never agreed with it.
I looked up at him and thought I really missed out.
He looked at me and winked. I blushed.
How couldn't I see the man that boy could've been?
I listened to the lyrics as he sang so melodically.
'I was a skater boy, he said see you later boy, I wasn't good enough for him.
Now I'm a superstar, slamming on my guitar. I hope your pretty face sees what I'm worth...'
He was singing about us.
'Well tough luck that boy's mine now..
We are more than just good friends..
We are in love, haven't you heard?
How we rock each other's worlds?!'
I blushed intensely as he sang looking at me straight in the eyes before walking to leave the stage, I quietly followed him backstage.

'Dan?' I whispered.
'Phil. Nice to see ya.' He said smiling with a glint in his eyes.
We ran in to a hug and didn't let go from then on.
'I have to perform. Meet me after?' Dan whispered.
'Of course Dan.' I said back squeezing gently.
I let him go onstage and watched backstage.

*In a interview later*
'We were just boys. Who loved each other years.
Can I make it anymore obvious?
Haven't you heard? How we rock each other's world.'
Dan squeezed my hand comforting me as everyone stared at us.
'I love you.' He whispered.
'I guess I love you too.' I said back.

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