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it was christmas eve. phil was sat by the tree with the fire behind him. he felt the warming glow behind him as he looked at the empty tree. he had put it up like always but dan normally put decorations on with phil, despite his protests. but this year was a little different.

dan's job was in the army and he frequently left for quite short periods of time. this time he had been gone for ten months. phil was hoping dan would be back for christmas but it seemed he wouldn't.

phil walked into the kitchen after he zoned out for a moment. he pulled down his oversized jumper down over his long checkered pyjamas and poured a slightly larger glass of wine than normal. he walked back into the living room and sat in the same spot he had just been in.

knock knock knock

'who the hell is here..'
phil mumbled as he stood up. he walked over to the door and pulled it open.

'look i don't care for what you selling alright..'
phil didn't look who it was.
'no even if it's your husband?'
he looked up to see dan stood in his army uniforms with a massive smile on his face.
'd-dan.. it's you i-it's really you!!'
he flung himself into his arms, wine nearly spilling on the carpet. crying and shaking, phil
hugged him tighter than ever before.
dan chuckled and squeezed him back. they pulled away after what seemed to be an eternity and phil looked into dan's chocolate boys as he stared in his electric blue ones. phil hugged dan once more but with less force and more love.

'come in, you're back right in time for christmas..' phil mumbled to dan holding his hand.
dan ran into their room and changed into pyjamas like phil.
he walked back in to see phil almost fast asleep on the sofa. he smiled and looked at his phone to see it was nearly one am. he wondered if phil was waiting for him. dan swiftly lifted up phil in his arms. he was lightly asleep when he placed him under the covers. he laid beside him and phil turned around to face him.
'thank you dan, for being here.. so i'm not.. alone for christmas..' phil mumbled in a quiet sleepy voice.
'it's alright phil.. i love you..' dan ran his hand along phil's face and phil smiled.
'hmm.. love you too..'

dan kissed his head and hugged him as he nestled into his chest. dan held him close and didn't let go.

woah.. so cheesy, i'm sorry but
i need to update, better ones coming i promise :)

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