Long Fights turn to Lonely Nights.

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Warning: ⚠️
Mentions of suicidal thoughts and self-harm.

*3rd Person PoV*
"Just leave, Dan." Phil said quietly.
"Fine. I'm not coming back though!" Dan shouted. The two had been fighting all night. "Good! I never want to see you again!" Phil had regained his voice after screaming for a while. Dan was about to shout at Phil but he didn't. Tears streaming down their faces, Dan slammed the door wearing a coat but with no phone. He ran down the stairs and went on a walk. He started running. Running away from everything. Phil, the fight, everything. He reached a quiet and empty park. He sat on a bench under the trees. Dan looked up at the moonlight streaming down through the trees. He pulled back his coat to see the fine lines. "What's the point anymore? Phil doesn't love me. No one does." Dan said aloud. "What is the fucking point? I give up, I give up, I give up."  Dan tried to calm himself. He pushed his hand through his curly brown locks. Tears drying on his face, his rage turned to sorrow. He never meant to hurt Phil. He never meant to hurt anyone. He wiped his eyes and shook his head, pushing bad thoughts out his head. But they came back.
"If I ended my life, who would care?"
No one. No one would care.
"If I kept cutting, would anyone notice?"
No one person would notice.
"Should I end my life?"
Do it. Do it now.
The head in Dan's head was growing louder. His head was pounding. The voices were loud. Louder. Louder. Louder. He shakily pulled out a small tube. He emptied it in his hands.
"Phil? I need you Phil! I'm sorry. Truly. I am sorry! Please come back to me!" He screamed out loud. Dan's voice was hoarse from shouting and his body was shaking.
"Help me. Please!"
He looked down.
Do it. Swallow it Dan. Do it.
He fell on the ground.
His dark brown eyes began to close.
The world slowly went black.
He couldn't hold on any longer. 
He loved Phil too early.
Phil loved him too late.

imsorry :)

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