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It was early morning, around 9am. All he could here was birds tweeting. The date was 1 of March, 5 years after the incident. Dan pulled his legs from under his blanket and rubbed his face, stretching slightly. He walked to the bathroom and turned the cold tap on. He splashed his face lightly and rubbed it in around his eyes. He stood for a moment leaning on the sink, breathing deeply. Grabbing a towel, he snapped himself out of the daze he fell in. He rubbed his face, although he knows he should dab the water off. Clearing his throat and brushing his teeth, he was finally done. Dan walked into the claustrophobic room that was his bedroom and over to the wardrobe for clothes. He pulled on a grey jumper and black trousers with white trainers, dirt stains covering them. He walked over to the kitchen just a little corner, tiles covering the walls and floor.  Brewed coffee steamed onto his face, masking his vision. He tensed his jaw causing it to harden and shape into a perfect v. He sipped lightly at the black coffee before soon draining it, ready to leave.

One. Two. Three. He took small steps. He didn't want to go but he knew he had to, for him. His breath was coming out in short gasps for air, the air around is mouth misty from feb cold. He looked up. He arrived, the yard.

Dan walked down the isle turns right and went straight to the corner; he knew where to go, he's been there enough. In one hand was a bouquet of small red flowers with a lot of greenery. They were wilting slightly as he'd had them a longer time than he thought.
In the corner of his eye, he saw the gravestone he knew all to well. He dropped to his knees in front of it and just sat there. It was around 10am when he finally arrived. Placing the flowers wrapped in brown paper down, he rubbed his face from the cold. He moved his knees in front of him; hugging them to his chest as a comfort. His dark brown grew glassy and fell down his face as he pulled his jumper tighter around his hands.

Awoken in a startle. It was dark. Dan had been out all day. Damnit, he thought. He stood up and adjusted his jumper.
"Love you. See you soon Phil.." he mumbled
He walked away from the grave and went home, leaving the flowers on the grave.

~ :(: ~

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