Flower shops

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Phil works in a flower shop but it doesn't get many costumers until a day when Dan takes a visit.

*Phils PoV*
As the sun rises, the little jingle of the small bell went off. Something I hear everyday but never fails to make me smile. I was holding a box of supplies under my arm and switched on the lights with my free hand. I walked to the front desk and put down the box. As I walked over, I could smell each flower. Roses are my favourite and I have many different colours. Yellow, red, pink, white, orange, purple and my special collection of multi-coloured roses. I have many different flowers but I have the most roses. They mean a lot to me.

My flower shop is very small in a quiet town in the middle of nowhere. I have a few costumers but not many. I have the old lady who comes in every week for five new flowers to put in her garden. I have a man who comes in every day for one single rose for his wife and family. I have two siblings who visit with their mother to buy seeds every so often. Then I have occasional people who visit for special events.

As I was emptying a new delivery box, I heard a jingle of the bell. I smiled a small smile. I had ordered some more daisies for the old lady and was setting them up. I hadn't seen who came in so was unaware who it was. "Hi. Can you help me?" I heard a small voice say. I turned around to see a man standing in front of me. He was wearing light blue jeans and a white jumper on. He had red sneakers on and brown hair curling in random waves. He adorned a smile on his face along with freckles and brown eyes to match his hair.
"Yes of course. What do you need?" I said taken aback by the person standing in front of me. "Uh I need some flowers for my mum What with it being Mother's Day soon. What can you recommend for me?" The man said.
"Does she have a favourite flower?" I inquired while starting to wonder around the shop. "Roses. Like me." He said. "Me too. I love them all. Especially white and red." I said slightly distracted by the man's hair.
"Me too. They are just so traditional." He smiled a smile which could brighten a room. "My name is Dan. Dan Howell. What about you?" He said holding out his hand. "Phil. Phil Lester." I said shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you Phil." We smiled before I grabbed a handful of different roses and other flowers. I walked over to a table to arrange them. Dan stood in awe as I quickly arranged the flowers in a (if I do say myself) perfect arrangement. I walked back over to the counter to pay for the flowers when I decided to let him take them. I have plenty of flowers I said so none the matter. "While I appreciate that tremendously, I can't allow you to do that. Please allow me to." Dan put down some loose notes and change down before picking up the flowers and leaning to small building. I heard the small bell and smiled. As I went to put the money in the machine, I noticed a note hanging out.
Call me when you get a free moment. I'd love to talk about the roses. -Dan H
The note proceeded with a phone number. I jumped up once and slipped the note in my pocket. I heard the small bell ring and looked up to see the old lady looking through my new daisies. "Do you need some help?" I asked.

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