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This is an AU. I own nothing but the idea.
Shiro wasn't going to lie. He had made bad decisions in his life. Like when he smoked cigarettes at home during his dad's birthday party. Or coming out to a homophobic family ate the age of 16 because a tv show character did it and unlike a TV show it didn't ended well. Well in that case if it wasn't for that he would have probably died in the car accident like his parents but, that was besides the point.
Point was that Shiro made a lot of mistakes.
Meeting Adam was never one of them.
When Shiro had turned 18, he lived alone in a place that looked like a shed. Really it probably was a shed. He didn't think much about it. He only thought about how this could work for him. Well that's all he thought about until a large meteor hit the ground.
Shiro ran outside panicking seeing the huge hole in the sand now. He gulped slowly getting closer wondering if he should call the cops or something. While questioning it a loud scream rang out from the inside of the rock like item.
Slowly he reached over looking for it. Lord he reached up slowly touching the top of it. Within seconds the whole thing opened showing a humanoid male with pointy ears and weird markings on his cheeks. Shiro blushed seeing the beauty of the other male before noticing his arm was trapped under another bit of metal. Within seconds he move it away from his arm and helped the male up. They looked into each other's eyes before the larger male fainted on him. So Shiro brought him inside without another thought.
Lord, that was the worst mistake he seemed to make. No sane person would bring a man into their house that just crashed out of the sky.  Lucky for the alien Shiro was no sane person! He was the most suicidal gay man on earth. So either way someone was gonna be happy when this was all over.
Yet, Adam would never let Shiro die. Never in a million years.
Shortly after rescuing him Shiro found out his name and that he could speak English, surprisingly.While healing Adam called Shiro thinks like beauty and love. It was rather cute. Sometimes he would just want to hug and cuddle all day. At first Shiro resisted it but, as time moved on he git closer. Time brought them so close that Shiro snuggled with him all the time. It brought them so close that once he was fully healed Shiro helped Adam put the ship back together.
The whole thing took about two years. And during those two years romantic emotions ran high. So high that Shiro would often make out with Adam every chance he got. The whole thing made Shiro feel so fulfilled. It made him feel happy for the first in a long time. The whole relationship was amazing.
That is until the day Adam had to leave. He left Shiro all alone after a night of pure passion. A night that Shiro would love to live through every day. Yet, that was never going to happen again. Especially after he left.
It took three days for Shiro's depression to come back. The whole thing just made him feel....dumb. It made him feel insignificant. The whole ordeal made him feel like he was nothing.
He didn't leave the house for five days after Adam left.
He didn't start cutting himself until seven days after he left.
He didn't think of suicide until two weeks after Adam left.
He didn't try to OD and slit his wrists until a whole month after Adam left.
And when he did, his love came back to him. Adam held him in his arms, crying heavily as Shiro bleed out from one of his wrists as Meds stared to poison his system. Adam was the last thing he wanted to see...and yet he live through it.
In fact he woke up a week later with Adam snuggled close to him, an arm missing due to it dying from blood loss, white hairs and a tiny bump on his stomach. Adam rescued to leave Shiro alone for days after he woke up. He refused to let him do anything alone. Heck he even made him discuss his problems twenty four seven. Lord, he was so over protective of Shiro...and his kids,
The whole thing helped Shiro feel better again. It took him a while but, eventually he healed. He healed enough to feel happy when the twins were born. All Shiro could do was just lay there crying happy tears that day.
The twins had saved him from feeling numb and dead on the inside.
Well you know once they were born. The whole thing was still the most painful experience of all time. And that's including slitting his own wrists when he was first orphaned.
Yet, once they were born all those all thoughts of depression were drowned up by one tiny boy's tiny cry. Shiro cried for hours holding him and soon holding his twin brother. He kissed both kid's heads for hours while Adam sobbed in a corner over how cute and pointed their ears were.
As time passed Adam got closer to the twins since he was their dad. He begged Shiro to have more kids with him to. To which Shiro would flip him off a bit before he twins would cry making him race over to them. Still Shiro would think about it though. He wasn't gonna lie. He loved it those two so much that he wanted another child, with Adam. Infact he wanted a whole life with Adam. Somewhere safe for the twins. Yet, it was a dream he gave up on.
That is until his boyfriend proposed with a ring. A single ring from his home planet that was mad out of a comet. It was so beautiful. The ring shined every night showing off a look that mad it look like the stars in the night sky.
Things couldn't get more perfect after that.
That is until that morning. The morning where a black car pulled up to the house. Shiro was getting the twins inside, fixing their hats when he saw it. Adam saw it to. He ushered his family inside. Then slowly he walked back outside, alien features hidden of course. So Shiro didn't know why they did it.
He didn't know why those men shot and killed his fiancé.
As Adam laid lifeless his body turned back to its normal form. Shiro screamed racing over while the twins looked up at the door from their room. Shiro could remember holding him in his arms as he died. With his last ounce of strength he begged Shiro to take the kids somewhere safe. To take them home.
To take them to Altea and ask for Lance.
Then just like that he died, with one last I love you said.
Then Shiro just wet inside and cried with the twins, unsure of what to say. His fiancé had died. His entire life had died in his arms. And now, those men saw what that man was. They saw he was an alien. Which meant one thing. The kids would die next.
Which is why correctly he was messing with a communication panel in a ship, twins asleep at his feet hidden just incase. He begged for an answer but never got one as the black van from before pulled up again.
"Fuck." Shiro whispered. He panicked throwing his coat over the twins just incase. He stayed silent begging....praying for someone to save him. To save his kids even. God he wanted them to be saved.
"Get out of the fucking rock." A man with a gun snapped. Shiro stayed silent. His heart pounded.
"We can see you boy. We have thermo glasses...bring the tinier alien with you." The male yelled. Shiro paled. God this was it. They were all going to die. Slowly he climbed out, leaving the twins in the ship. His heart raced hoping they did not wake.
"Why the hell didn't you bring the tinier one with you?" The male snapped at him. Shiro gulped before speaking up.
"H-they died last night sir. Please just leave their corpses where they are incase they are infected." He begged hoping the twins would live through this. They had each other. The guy just sighed.
"Well this does make it easier. Anyways how much would your organs be worth on the black market?" The male asked. Shiro paled looking at him, his heart beating faster. Oh god this wasn't happening. He wasn't going to die like this. At least he didn't he was going to until the male pulled his gun out more. He made sure it was loaded before pointing it at Shiro's skull.
"Well we might just have to find out the old way then." The male snorted before the gun went off. Shiro screamed in fear seeing the bullet. He closed his eyes refusing to give up and see his death.
Then a bright white light hit.
And the next thing Shiro knew he was in something. He was behind glass in a completely white outfit. His heart speed up looking around and seeing the same tech he saw on Adam's smaller ship around him. That is until he saw him.
A tan skinned male was sitting in a chair near his pod, reading a story to the twins. He could hardly see his face under the purple robe he was wearing. Yet, he could see his cheek marks glowing a bit. He could hear the kids laugh over a few things in the book making the other male's cheeks glow brighter. Then there was a loud beep.
Suddenly Shiro was ejected from the glass. He heard the male gasp as he fell when someone else caught him. His dizzy vision could just see the colour purple for a few moments. That is until he saw his face. It was another altean. A purple one with re marks on his cheeks.
"Oh god!" Shiro yelped stumbling backwards. The purple male panicked and caught him before he fell down. The purple male looked so scared holding his fellow white haired male in his arms.
"What the heck are you?" Shiro asks.
"I was just about to ask you the same question." The purple skinned man glared at him. He was blushing nervously wondering what the heck Adam slept with this man in order to have this many kids by him.
"Well lets ask them later. I would like to be the first altean to welcome you to Space." The purple cloaked man smiled,...well Shiro assumed he smiled at him.
"And who might be asking?" Shiro asked. The male pulled his clock down to travel a tanned skin per male, with blue altean markings, puffs of white hair mixed with brown hair, freckles and more importantly of all three piercings in his ears.
"W-who are you?" Shiro asked.
"My name is Lance. Now may I ask how on earth my cousin had children with you and he didn't call me." Lance pouted.
"I'm sorry come again?" Shiro asked. Lord, life just got a lot weirder.

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