Chapter Five

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You can do anything, but not everything. - Unknown


           ~Labor & Labor~

   He ran over to me looking into her stall. He took out his phone dialing a number. I crouched down beside Promise, she was laying on her side. I didn't know what was wrong, but something was. I took out my phone and called Xavier, he was interning for a vet.
  He answered almost instantly, "Hey Kiley-" "Xavier, I don't know what's happening! Promise is laying down, I don't know what to do," Panic consumed me, my hands shaking. "What's she doing?" He spoke calmly. We switched over to FaceTime and  showing him.
  "Yo what's going on?" Came Luke's raspy voice. Probably since he hates waking up early. "Hold the phone above her," I positioned the phone as instructed. It was silent for a moment before Jessie kneeled down next to me, "The vet is out at least four hours from here." Great that helps me calm down.... not!
  "Xavier!???" I whispered loudly into the phone. He exhaled, "Hey Kiley, she's foaling." "What!??? How? All of my horses are geldings!" Jessie laughed, I shot him a glare. "She was a mustang after all..." "Ha I wish I was there to see this," Luke came into the camera view.
  I ignored his comment focusing on Promise, "What do we do?" Jessie gave me a confused look. "You were going to help anyway!" I shot back defensive. He raised his eyebrow nodding. "Hey Jessie," Luke waved. "Introduce yourselves after we deal with this!" At this point I was way beyond panic.
  "Go ahead and wrap her tail, but not too tight." Jessie darted out of the stall. He returned a few minutes after with a wrap. He held the rail as I wrapped the wrapping around it. "Okay now what?" Xavier started quiet for a moment, "How big is the stall?" Jessie thought for a moment, "Uh 14 by 14."
  Xavier nodded, "How long has she been in labor?" I froze, we had no idea. I shrugged, Xavier let out a loud sigh. "Well her water hasn't- never mind..." Jessie spoke. "Okay give her some room, this should take fifteen to twenty minutes. Lily's took only seventeen so hopefully Promise's doesn't take too long."
  We nodded backing away. Twenty minutes went by and I began to get worried. She nickered looking to me. I gave her a sympathetic look, wanting her to be out of pain. My heart stopped as I saw the beginnings of a foal.
  Two hooves facing down one longer than the other, she pushed legs began to show. "Uhk gross," Luke scoffed. "Shut up," Xavier calmly spoke focusing solely on Promise. The head came out next, before the rest of the foal did as well.
  Promise struggled but sat upright, her neck reaching over and licking the sack. Ridding the sack and cleaning the foal. Once the sack was gone Promise laid back on her side. The foal was a blue roan pinto. Rare like his mother. I smiled widely. "Isn't she supposed to be standing?" Luke questioned.
  "Unless she's having another, which makes this birth an unlikely success," Xavier looked at Promise. His eyebrows drawn together on concern. An hour went by, nothing. Promise was breathing slowly and heavily. "That foal has been in there too long, you need to pull it out or Promise could die."
  I looked at Jessie to find him once again dart out of the stall. Promise whined, I rubbed her neck softly. Jessie came back in tripping over nothing. He had long plastic gloves handing me two. "Hurry, put them on," He instructed fumbling with his own.
  I put mine on walking over to Promise's rear. Jessie quickly followed, "You watch Dr. Pole?" I asked him. "I've seen a few." I nodded moving her tail my arm going in. I searched eventually feeling the foal's front hooves angled down. My hand clasped around the two hooves pulling.
  Using all my might I pulled the foal's front legs out. Jessie grabbed ahold of one leg and I took the other with both hands. We pulled and the foal came out, the both of us falling on our backs.
  Promise moved her head but made no move to sit up. I kneeled at the foal's side. It wasn't breathing, "Xavier it's not breathing I panicked. "Get a bucket of cold water." and just like that Jessie darted out of the stall once more. I tore off the sack allowing the foal to breath in air, but it stayed still.
  Jessie came back with a giant bucket of icy water. He handed it to me, "Now what?" "Pour it on the foal." I nodded dumping all the water onto the foal. The foal's body flinched and it began to breath. I let out a relieved sigh touching a hand to my heart.
  The foal was a blue roan pinto but with a red face, a blaze down the middle. She was adorable!! I watched as Promise tiredly sat upright, looking at her new responsibility.
  There laid a two healthy foals next to there mother. Apparently Xavier has hung up due to his mother asking him to do something, which I wasn't too bothered by this was a beautiful moment.
  Jessie was smiling down at the foals, each of us exhausted with worry but excited with the newcomers. I looked at Jessie for a moment, he glanced over at me. "Thank you, this couldn't of happened without your help," I admitted giving him a smile.
  He smirked, "You did a lot yourself, let's just say we're even. Who would've thought doing track could help a foal not die?" I laughed I honestly could laugh at anything right now. It's like driving down a road and someone almost hits you, and then you're like I almost died and get all hysterical.
  Except that someone was death, the person was the foals, and the car was Promise. So yeah a person could come in here and tell me I had to eat broccoli and I'd still laugh. I'm just glad everything worked out.
  Promise sniffed her offsprings, giving them each a small nuzzle. They were huddled against her warm belly, but it was a scene of cuteness! The colt was nipping at a lone strand of mane from her mother, the filly's head was resting on her brother's rear.
  I took out my phone and snapped a picture. What? A girl can't show a cute moment to her friends later on... I think so! Promise looked at me, if horses could smile she was. It wasn't one of those I'm glad you're here smiles, it was more of a thank you smile. Riders know their horses, or at least they should.
  We moved out of her stall shutting the door. Jack, Atlantic Black, and Amaya were all pacing about curious to what was inside. They smelt the birth, eager to check out the new foals. We took our gloves off and threw them away, along with taking the bucket out of the stall as well.
  The rest of the day involved me bothering Jessie over what we should name them. He kept saying that they were mine foals and I should name them, but if he wasn't there I don't know what I'd do. Which is what we were doing right now, while also working on our sports.
  "At least suggest one name!" I pleaded to him as Jack went over a two footer. Don't Blink rounded the curve, "It's not my decision!" He shouted back.
  I was in the giant green space that race tracks have in the middle. Except there was a decent sized jumping pen in the middle of the green area. While I was jumping he was racing around us.
  Jack tossed his head as we turned around jumping through a keyhole, "Seriously, you've got to at least give me one, just one suggestion!!" I was begging at this point. Did I mention it was five thirty? And the foals were born at seven twenty, yeah that's how long this debate has been going.
  Of course I didn't say a word in breakfast because it was awkward, Jessie didn't say much either. Our minds still grasping Promise having her foals. As far as anyone else knew, there were no new additions to my household. I'll probably tell them at dinner... if I have too.
  Don't Blink was really moving, he was basically galloping the whole time. Jack and I were taking it slow to a lope since the whole surprises this morning. Every time Don't Blink lined with Jack, Jack went faster trying to beat him. It was quite funny, poor Jack thinking he can beat a Thoroughbred.
  We finished practicing about two hours later. Dinner was at eight and I was not about to miss it. I untacked Jack, hosed him down, and jumped in Linda's mule taking us to the house. 


A/N: Awww!!! Promise is a mother! Did anyone except her having foals?!?? Her are the babies!

A/N: Awww!!! Promise is a mother! Did anyone except her having foals?!?? Her are the babies!

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