Chapter Six

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Take the risk or lose the chance. - Unknown


~I'm Doing What Now~

I sat down at the dinner table. Linda and Danny were passing out plates filled with delicious meats and veggies. I was seated at the end of the table so I didn't have to endure the awkwardness of actually sitting beside someone. To my left seated; Racheal, Sky, John, Jessie, and Nicky.
To my right seated; Lola, Lucas, Danny, Valery, and Linda. Thank the lord I was by myself... cause it's so uncomfortable!! Imagine walking into a house full of strangers and having to sit and converse with them at dinner. Yeah no thanks!
After everyone had their plates and were sitting at the table Linda blessed the food. Mainly thanking God for letting us all get together for dinner and taking care of the ranch. I analyzed my plate. There were green peas, mash potatoes, fried green beans, and grilled chicken.
Apparently the cooks of the family were Danny and Linda, which I respected that. I hated peas, like really hated peas! But... I didn't want to be the only one who refused eat them. Leaving me with one sad choice, I had to eat them.
I took my fork instantly going for the grilled chicken. Twenty minutes had passed, everyone was either almost done or half way. I smiled noticing the sour look on Lola's face when she looked at the peas on her plate.
"Do I have to eat these?" She whispered loudly to her father. "No, but at least one," Danny replied with a laugh. Lola nodding gulping, the look on her face was priceless! Like she was about to consume poison.
Nicky had a napkin half launched in her mouth to keep herself from laughing. "How did Magic do?" Linda asked the question pointed at Jessie and I. He shrugged, "She was the normal but less springy." Linda took a small sip of her sweet tea, "Anything exciting?" Jessie and I made eye contact.
Both remembering the Promise incident. "What?" Racheal asked intrigued. Now we had the whole tables attention as everyone grew silent. "Uhh... just two new additions," I stuttered utterly terrified of all the eyes lingering on me. John raised his eyebrows perplexed.
"Her horse gave birth to twins today," Jessie answer for me digging through his food. Lola gasped excited, "When?" Lucas had a fried green bean to his mouth pausing. "This morning," now that I heard my voice it sounded more like a question.
"And you just tell us this now!" Linda shouted way too excited about this. Jessie ducked his head down nodding. "What do they look like?" Vallery's voice came in a calm tone.
"One's a blue roan pinto, the other is the same but with a red face," I described remembering the foals. "Names?" John spat chewing down on some peas. I glared at Jessie, him picking up my glare chuckled. "I don't know, but he won't suggest any," I accused. He looked up at me, "They're your horses."
"But if you weren't there the foal and most likely Promise would of died," I shot back. He went to say something, but Racheal beat him to it, "Huh?" I didn't want to answer and luckily Jessie caught that, "The first foal came out fine, the other was the troubled kid. Promise wasn't feeling her best and the foal had already been in there for five hours when Promise started the labor.
"So I helped her pull the filly out big deal, it was that friend of yours who did everything." Okay he was right, Xavier helped like 97%! Two percent was dedicated to Jessie and I and the other one percent was for Promise. "Friend like a vet or?" Nicky leaned forward intrigued.
"He's interning for a vet," I corrected. "A boyfriend?" Linda smiled. Why are they getting into my personal life??? This is sooo awkward! "No, no! Definitely not! He's just a friend from horse camp."
Jessie took this as his moment to make things ten times worse, "Sure I forgot friends flirt twenty-four-seven." I glowered at him, he knows that's not true. The little lier. "Now you're just making up things!" I defended. I took a quick glance at the family who wore very amused smiles.
They obviously did not believe me, "Xavier Kent, is the guy's name and I'm pretty sure he's into another one of my friends. Jessie." I didn't mean to spit his name out and sound that toxic. Oh well, it wiped the smile off his face, sadly it replaced with a smirk.
"He's the crazy good reiner there right?" Sky guessed. I nodded, can everyone please take their eyes off of me? Luckily the dinner didn't last too long after all those questions. It was like an interrogation! Linda dropped me off at my house, I immediately ran over to check on Promise.
She and her two wobbly legged babies were now standing. I refilled her water and gave her fresh hay. She gladly drank as much water as her stomach used to be wide. The filly and colt were still getting used to walking. It was quite the entertainment to see them take their first steps.
I still have no idea what to name them! How could I? I don't even know their personalities! Urge! I'm 100% blaming Jessie. The colt was nipping on the hay net, trying to figure it out. The filly laying in some hay Promise tore out of the net. Giving her an amused smile, I headed back to the house going to sleep.


The next morning my friends were blowing up my phone!

Send us a picture of the foals! - Xavier

Lord no, that was disgusting!!- Luke

Wait, what happened?- Hannah

Promise had two foals - Luke

WHAT????? When? - Samantha

Kiley, how could you not tell me about this? - Hannah

Relax it was yesterday morning, she's had a stressful day I'm sure - Xavier

Aww, I wanna see them, can't wait to meet them at camp - Will

NOOOOOOO I wasn't there! Why, poor foals haven't met their godfather yet... - Ben

Shut up you weirdo, Jack will probably be their godfather, since he's a horse anyway - Emily

I laughed at their confusion, why they were all up so early is a mystery. The rest of the day went by fast, breakfast wasn't as awkward. The day went by without any problems.. Until I had to work with Painted Magic. Jessie and I were both in the center, getting the filly to lope around us. She was in a sprunky mood, tossing her head, stomping, kicking out, snorting, pinning her ears, you name it and she was doing it!
Jessie clicked to her, she leaped kicking out her legs before landing and obeying. She was being a total nut job! We had been doing this for two hours and she was still acting out. Her coat shined with sweat, her nostrils flared, and her breathing rapid. I swung my arm causing her to lope once more. She suddenly had a burst of energy, leaping into the air. She cleared the fence landing on the other side.
She looked back at us with a victorious nicker, then raced off to a few trees. Jessie had wide eyes, "I knew she could jump, but I didn't think she could clear six feet." I studied her closely. She jumped over a log laying on it's side. She turn to the pond, racing away leaping into the air. "Jessie, I think I know what her problem is.'
His arms were folded awaiting my sentence. "She wants to jump!" I concluded spinning around to face him. He raised an eyebrow, "And how would you know that? Do you speak horse?" I scoffed looking over at Magic who was soaking herself in the pond. "Think about it, she just cleared six feet and without any training. She jumped over that log when she could of gone around it, and she leaped in the pen a gazillion times and out there just for fun. You've said she's tried to jump out before, maybe it's because she enjoys doing it?"
He stayed silent for a moment, thinking about my proven statement. Looking up to me he said, "That makes sense, but I don't jump and when you're gone who's gonna ride her?" I thought for a moment. I just happened to come up with the most horrible, terrifying idea ever! "I could teach... you." Now that surprised him, his whole facade showed shock. "You would teach me how to jump? What's in it for you?" I didn't skip a beat, "A happy, healthy, jovial horse. Now you in or out?"
He thought for a moment, seeming to be considering my deal. Sighing her reluctantly replied, "I'm in, but you've got to do me a favor not just Magic." A lump in my throat began to develop, what could he possibly have in mind? "I want to teach you how to race," He gave me a boyish grin. Okay his idea, ten thousand times worse than mine!!! But... if I didn't agree to this Magic was never going to be fixed. "Fine." Was all I could voice.
He threw up his hands, "Finally the fun can begin!" I rolled my eyes staring off at Magic. I'm doing this for you filly... only you. I scowled at Jessie before we both picked up our things going our separate ways.


A/N: Uh-Oh! Kiley's teaching Jessie how to jump and Jessie is teaching Kiley how to race... don't worry I've already started praying!

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