Chapter Nine

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My best friends problem are my problems- Unknown Author


~Friend Problems~

The days went by each day the same events repeated. Feed horses and dogs, muck out stalls, work with Painted Magic, have breakfast, practice with Jack, trail ride with Promise, walk Amaya, rein Atlantic Black, check on foals, and dinner. I had been here now for a month. Painted Magic was now under saddle, jumping three footers. Jessie and I were descent now at one another's sport. It wasn't awkward with their family anymore, in fact it was quite interesting.
I called my parents weekly checking up on them, but I tended to call my friends daily. They had started camp at Sorrel Hill a week ago, so our talking time has been scarce. Hannah always found find to chat with me though, and now it was a regular thing to be facetimed while they were eating. Nobody minded so I didn't either. Will was once again doing the mustang challenge, but with a blood bay. She drove him crazy! He could complain about that mare for years!
Having said all that, today was different. Neither of my friends had called or answered any of my messages which is very unlike them. Jessie and his family seemed rather tense today and were rushing around. I was currently walking back from practicing with Jack. He was behind me, looking at all the ranch hands running everywhere. I noticed the seven horse stall trailer was even out. Racheal sped past me her mind on a mission. "Racheal!" She spun around a frantic look on her face.
"What's going on?" "We're having a derby and harnesslink race today, you should be getting ready," I shot her a confused look, why should I be getting ready? "Didn't Jessie tell you?" "Tell me what?" Racheal's teeth collided together as if she was just caught telling a secret, "Uh nothing! Go put him away, clean yourself up, and get Don't Blink from the stables." With that she turned around and went about her day. I was baffled!
What could Jessie not be telling me? I shrugged the thought leading Jack back to the house. I turned him out in the pasture having already bathed and untacked him. I did as Racheal instructed, taking a small shower then changing into jeans and a t-shirt.
It wasn't but twenty minutes before I had Don't Blink on the end of the lead I was holding. I had never realized how tall he actually was until I had to put his halter on, eighteen hands is quite the stretch for my poor short legs. I spotted Nicky with Cash Out by the seven stall trailer, I went over to her. "What's going on?" "Well we're getting ready for a derby an-" "No I know that, what I mean is why didn't anyone tell me?" I was more than annoyed. Through the whole two hour session with Painted Magic, Jessie didn't once mention we had a race today!
"He didn't tell you? I thought he did... well you're in for a surprise," She laughed at my clueless features, leading Cash Out into the trailer, "What surprise?" I practically yelled. She came out, "Relax I'm sure you might like it, go ahead and load Don't Blink up." She said, then ran over to help a ranch hand. I rolled my eyes, tying Don't Blink in the trailer, walking out. What's the surprise? Why hasn't he told me? Why wouldn't he tell me? Urgh! Boys are so annoying!
I then began my search for a dark brown haired teenage boy. I swear he's impossible! I somehow managed to not run into anyone, spotting Jessie leading QuickSilver to the trailer. I ran over to him, "Hey, what have you not told me?" He gave me a sly smile, "What are you on about?" I glared at him, "Don't act like you don't know Kade, remember I have your phone number and I'm sure the racing community would love to have it!!" His eye grew wide, but then replaced with a smirk.
"Are you threatening me Tyler?" We were halfway to the trailer at the moment, "Me? I would never! Think of it as hostile bantering." He playfully rolled his eyes, "Hostile bantering? I think you're running low on oxygen." He made a move to feel my forehead but I slapped his hand away, "Trust me you would be the last person to figure that out, now what's the big surprise? Should I be scared?" He walked QuickSilver into the trailer tying him up before replying, "Petrified." Was all he said walking to the driver's side of his truck.
He hopped in rolling his window down as I marched over to him. "Before you start ranting, you have one of three choices. Ride with my mom, Racheal, or me." I raised my eyebrows. A familiar nicker caught my attention, I turned around to see a black tail disappearing into the trailer. "Did you kidnap one of MY horses?" I questioned him. "Possibly, anyway who are you riding with?" If this boy had a brain the answer would be obvious! There are only two of my horses that have a black tail Amaya and Atlantic Black, well the foals do too but it was clearly an adults tail!
"You're not very smart for a equine celebrity. Obviously you! There is no way that I would let my poor horse ride with you alone!" This was all completely true! Plus I'm pretty sure the other rides are full. I jumped into the passenger seat looking at everybody in the trucks.
Racheal was driving one with Sky in the passenger, Nicky sitting in the back with Lola and Lucas. Linda in the other truck driving with, Danny in the back along with Vallery and John sitting up front. I looked at Jessie, "You're a jerk.. I was going to have to ride with you anyway." He chuckled, stepping onto the gas pedal.
"Who's all racing?" I asked him looking out the window as he drove down the forever long driveway. "Nicky, Racheal, Sky, and three jockeys called Dave, Carl, and Bill." I looked at him, "Their mothers couldn't of thought of anything else? Other than Dave, Carl, and Bill?" He shrugged pulling onto the road. At around thirty minutes into the drive my friends facetimed me. "Yo what's up?" Luke hollered into the speaker.
"You freaking jerk! I have my earbuds on!" Hannah shouted. "Chill babe," He said nonchalant. "BABE???" The rest of us yelled. "Geez!" Jessie snapped. "Luke!" Hannah shot at him her face as red as a tomato. "Crap I meant ba--zil?" Xavier gave him a bored face, "Bazil? Is that seriously the best you can do?" "Shut up." Luke muttered. "The real question is, is it Lunnah or Hank?" Ben wiggled his eyebrows. "Lunnah, it sounds better," Samantha clarified the rest of us agreeing.
"Hannah how could you not tell me this?" I was frankly hurt by how my best friend never once mentioned having a boyfriend. "Luke how could you not tell me this?" Xavier hissed. "We're supposed to be able to tell each other everything, why would you keep something like this a secret?" Hannah had a guilty face, one that was shameful.
Xavier copied my sentence once more, but more dramatically. "Look I'm sorry Kiley, I was going to tell you but I wasn't sure if we were a thing or not. Like at first it was just casual trail rides or hang outs, but then it just all kinda happened. I wasn't going to tell you until I was sure of it. I'm very sorry." She sighed, giving me her signature sad puppy dog face. "Look I'm sorry Xavier, I was going to tell you but I wasn't sure if we were a thing or not. Like at first it was just casual trail rides or hang outs, but then it just all kinda happened. I wasn't going to tell you until I was sure of it. I'm very sorry." Luke apologized.
"Aww Hannah, now I feel bad," I gave her a small smile. "You should." Jessie smirked enjoying the whole scene. I sent him an icy glare, sadly even it couldn't wipe off his stupid smirk. "Aww Luke, now I feel bad," Xavier copied. "Are we okay, still best friends?" I said to Hannah. "We're not best friends, we're the perfect sisters!" She smiled laughing. "Are we okay, still best friends?" Xavier asked. "We're not best friends, we're the perfect sisters!" Luke mimicked. Emily busted out laughing. "What?" Came Luke.
"Sisters?" Samantha hinted giggling. "I said brothers." Luke was very confident in this answer. That got everyone laughing, even Jessie. "Right!" Luke tried to get someone to back up his case. "Wrong," Nathan muttered walking past Samantha. Wow my friends could really cheer me up. We talked for another ten minutes before everyone except Samantha hung up. "How are things going with him?" I asked. Over the last few weeks she's been exhausted in our facetime calls, which is very unlike her. She sighed, "Is it that obvious?" I nodded. "He's been in a mood for weeks now." "Isn't he always?" She shook her head, "Not like this. He hasn't been sleeping as much. It's like he wakes up six different times a night now, but when he does he looks like he's just witnessed a murder. He won't tell me anything, he seems more closed off and I don't know why."
"Could it be something to do with what causes his panic attacks?" I asked. By this time I had taken the phone off of speaker receiving a scowl from Jessie, who was obviously interested. "I don't know, he's only told one person about his panic attacks. But, the person isn't related to us, no one in his or my family knows what they're about." I shrugged, "Did you call a doctor or something, maybe look up online how to help someone with panic attacks."
She sighed, "I did, but it only says how to help them in the moment. Not how to help them stop having them. I also looked up that panic attacks don't happen frequently, therefore Nathan not only has panic attacks he has a panic disorder." I nodded, I've been researching on panic attacks ever since I had experienced one last year.
There were several things that caused them, "When did Nathan come to live with you?" I asked just out of genuine curiosity. "When he was seven," she answered sure if it. "How were his parents?" "Kiley I've asked myself these same questions thousands of times. Never leading with a possible reason he could have panic attacks. I know no one in his family had them so he didn't inherit them."
I kinda despite the moment felt like a detective. "To answer your question, I didn't really know his parents. My parents didn't allow me over there-" she paused hearing herself. "My parents must know something then, but why not be able to go to their house? Hmmm, I'll have to get back to you Kiley." She then hung up.
I sat my phone in my lap, huffing. "What?" I looked at Jessie, "Just friend problems."


A/N: Okay! Hannah and Luke are officially a thing! Whose team are y'all on? Will and Kiley or Kiley and Jessie?


A picture of my #1 boy!

A picture of my #1 boy!

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