Chapter Twenty-Four

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"How lucky I am to have something's that makes saying goodbye so hard,"  - Winnie The Pooh


              ~Going Home~

     I woke up bright and early, a smile never left my face.  I eased quietly out of the tent.  I found Nathan not too far away.  He was leaned up against a tree; watching Samergia gallop with a few fillies.  I made my way over to him.
     Once I reached him I shot him a small smile, he glanced at the action but didn't return it.  I sighed, "What's up?" He gave me a puzzled look.  "Your mood, why are you so alone?"  That earned me a deadly glare.  "Cause everyone's asleep," his reply was short, but his eyes said otherwise.  He kept his face firm, his eyes blank, that had to mean something was up.
     "Nathan, whatever your middle name is, Rose, what's wrong with you?" I playfully nudged his shoulder.  He scowled at me, "Kiley, I don't care enough to say the rest of your name, why won't you leave me alone?"  I smirked, "Cause it's still really early until someone else will wake up... so...... wanna go for a short, itty bitty ride?" 
     He looked at me irritation plainly noticed on his face, "Whatever."  I smiled at my small victory.  Nathan gave out a quiet whistle, Samergia raced up the cliff's edge.  He hauled himself up onto her, my jaw just about hit the floor,  "woah!"  He raised an eyebrow at me on the ground. 
     I took notice of this and mounted a very lazy, Jack.  I followed Nathan into the forest.  "How did Jessie and you meet?" I asked out of general curiosity.  "Both of our parents were big time bidders on horse races, we traveled all the time to go to them.  Jessie was walking with his mother when my mother bumped into them and they started talking.
     "Geez, that was probably when we were both five," Nathan slightly smiled at the memory.  I grinned widely, I tried to imagine a small Nathan and Jessie, I bet they were so cute!  Jack caught up with Samergia, now neck and neck.
     "Aww!  How did y'all become best friends then?" He rolled his eyes at my question, but answered anyway, "we were probably fifteen when that happened.  Sure we hung out and all, but I had my hometown friends and he had his.  When someone tried to drug QuickSilver I stepped in and Jessie quickly popped up, we exchanged numbers and all that nonsense." 
     I was honestly surprised Nathan had told me the story much less go into detail about it!  "Okay I have another question," I tried, Nathan only sighed.  "What causes your panic attacks?"  Nathan's body visibly tensed, his skin paled slightly, his body barely shook.  "Later," was all he said through gritted teeth.
     Later?  Did that mean he was actually going to tell me?  A small smile spread across my face,  "Okay I have one final question." He relaxed and waited for me to blurt out another question.  "How did you know I liked liberty?  AND what is the big surprise for me?"  Nathan chuckled, "You had mentioned it before, and the big surprise is a secret, Tyler." 
       "But why, Rose?"  I whined not at all shameful.  "Later Tyler, for now why don't you keep your trap shut and enjoy a sunrise bareback ride," he all but suggested.  I sighed, looked down, and my eyes widened, "I didn't even notice I was bareback!  Nathan I'm not flipping out!"  He shot me a thumbs up without looking my way.  I squealed in excitement.
     A black horse dashed in front of us, Jack and Samergia spooked but only slightly.  Nathan and I watched the forest intensely.  The horse appeared once more standing before us.  "Kiley is this-" "Olympic," I finished.  We looked at the horse in udder horror.  Why would a fifteen year old's horse be on the loose?  He breathed heavily, sweat covered his body, he looked panicked.
     Samergia nickered to him.  He returned her welcome, his whinny deeper than hers.  He turned and dashed into the forest.  Jack and Samgeria sprinted to keep up.  I gripped his mane.  "We are going to get lost, why didn't you tell me to bring a compass!"  I yelled over the wind.  Nathan shook his head, "You're seriously blaming me for this?  It was your idea to go for a ride."  Okay, he had a point there.  "I didn't even bring my cougar repellent," I became very nervous.  "Kiley, I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist!" Nathan shot back.
     We passed through the trees still loping, I felt at ease.  It was as if Jack and I were one, bareback had such a free feeling to it.  Eventually we slowed to a walk after thirty minutes.  The forest got thinner as we went.  "What was bothering you today?"  Nathan glanced my way, "Just thinking of today's events."  I raised an eyebrow, "Today's events?" He just smirked, "You'll see."
     I shrugged, Olympic lead us around for another hour before the forest finally cleared.  The stables came to view, Magic was sprinting around in her paddock.  "Well, we're not lost?  Never thought that'd happen before," I admitted.  Nathan just rolled his eyes, he shrugged off my comment.
     We trotted up to the stables, to my surprise, all my friends were gathered there with grins all around.  I looked over at Nathan shooting him a look, he ignored me.  "These events?"  I asked gesturing to my friends.  "Last time I checked," he answered.  I hopped off Jack cocking an eyebrow at them all huddled together.  "Kils, since we love you so much, you're such a great friend and a completely awesome rider.  We wanted to do something for you in return," Hannah smiled.
     Peter popped out of nowhere, he hopped on Olympic, "So, uh, have a nice... day?" With that Olympic turned and loped off and out of the ranch.  "Anyway, thanks a lot for interrupting!" Luke shouted after Peter.  He turned to look at me, "Even though you chose Jessie, I think we all know I'm the better looker.  Anywho, Xavier please continue."  I shook my head in amusement at his comment, Jessie shot him a look, which only widened my smile.  "Pleasure, I'll be honest, I thought you were a dork when I first met you, but now you're like a little sister to me," Xavier finished, looking up at me with an easy glance.  I blushed a bit, pulling him into a hug.
     He smelled really good!  I pulled away as Samantha went to speak, "You've certainly moved mountains with me.  From me being a jerk and another word that I won't say to someone that I am proud of.  I mean we've gone far together, I know you'll always be there for me even with all my cousin issues."  I chuckled at her finish, Nathan shot a playful scowl.  She politely returned it before sticking out her tongue, only to have him shake his head.  I hugged her tightly, my heart swelled with her words.
     "Well, I became her friend first sooo well apart from Hannah obviously, but thanks for watching all the Marvel movies with me.  Even though we all cried in Endgame... Love you three thousand Kiley," Ben sniffled.  I felt my eyes prick with tears as I remembered Tony Stark's final moments.  I practically yanked Ben into a hug.  Three thousand was such a powerful number.
     "I mean I have over four hundred subs now on YouTube since you showed up!  Kiley you deserve the world, love you girlie," Emily sweetly put, both of us embraced each other.  "I mean as far as first meetings go, ours sucked.  I met you when my horse was going berserk so thank you for sticking along, plus still not beating me at the mustang challenge.  You are awesome and amazing though, you just can't beat me yet!"  Will smugly smiled, I playfully punched his shoulder giving him a right hug. 
     "You've shown a lot of people what you can do.  From Markus, to Magic, to my mom, dad, family, to your friends, and even me.  You aren't just any girl and are definitely one I won't forget, I must be the luckiest guy on Earth to have landed such a girl like you," Jessie's words tugged around my heart, I wrapped my arms around him and he picked me up.  I squealed out of excitement before he sat me back down, the two of us locked eyes.
     I almost leaned in, then I remembered something.  I spun around facing Nathan who looked very bored, "Everyone said something, I'm sure Hannah would kill you if you didn't."  Hannah grabbed the neatest stick just to prove my point.  I giggled at her action, Luke's eyes connected with Nathan, "Bro, say something, you're gonna die!"
     Nathan rolled his eyes once more, he looked at me for a small moment, "Thanks for helping me out a bit and, uh, having so much faith in me to not get us lost."  I busted out laughing, "I mean it's always you and I, how am I not supposed to worry?"  He nodded, shrugging his shoulders.  I wanted to test my luck... maybe... hmmm....
     "Nathan, best friend of my boyfriend, listens to my rambles, puts up with my questions, gets us lost, but I did get to see amazing views!  Took me shopping for all that extra stuff I didn't need for a horse I don't have, and helping me with that panic attack last year.  Can I have a hug?"  I threw on my best smile, eyes sparkling with unanswered hope.
     "You said all that, for a hug?  Why a hug?  Why not a hand shake, or one of those arguing battles, or like you mention your endless rambling?"  He crossed his arms.  "Pweeeasssee!"  Was this immature of me?  Yep!  Did I care?  Nope!  He sighed and hung his head in thought, I waited for a few more moments before he hesitantly unfolded his arms and out stretched them.
     I smiled in victory and gave him a hug.  I was shocked when he actually returned it, but my smile only widened if that was possible.  I pulled back, cheering like a little girl who had just found their lost toy.  Nathan chuckled at my childish behavior, but I didn't mind.
     My eyes found Jessie's in an instant, "I just hugged your best friend, I'm a permanent girlfriend now!"  He just laughed in completely amusement.  "Anyway, Kiley, I had asked Nathan a while ago on something you've always loved but have never gotten to do.  Liberty was the first thing he had told me, so did Hannah, Emily, Ben, and Xavier.  So we threw in a few stacks of green moo-la, and with your parents permission you have been selected to go to Rome not next summer but the next and work with their liberty horses as well as bring two of your own!"
     I was fairly certain my jaw had just detached itself from my mouth and fell.  I squealed, I jumped into Jessie's arms completely overtaken by joy and delight.  "I don't know what to say, thank you all so much.  This is a complete dream come true!" I got off of Jessie and tackled my besties!  "Call us everyday!"  Xavier inquired.  "FaceTime groupie!"  Hannah squeaked.  "I will, love y'all so much.  This is absolutely incredible!!"


  So this finally ended... can't say I'm a fan of how I ended this book.  It just seemed all over the place and unorganized, but maybe it was just me🤷‍♀️

A special thanks to everyone who took the time and read!!!!  It really means the world!

  This isn't the last book, but it is the last official chapter of Sorrel Hill: Recovery Ranch!!  Who knew Olympic and Peter would make a scene the last chapter😂


  Hey!!  Kiley and Nathan finally didn't get lost... well basically.  Olympic did help out with that.  Can we just take a minute and appreciate Kiley and Jessie's relationship?  I mean 😍 finally!!!   They only took the whole book!  Geez, and they say teens these days are down for the whole 'relationship' thing.

  Thank you to everyone who has read it and given me ideas!!  The characters will be posted in the next few parts (since there are quite a bit) 

   NEW BOOK:  I have a new book that I've been working on that ties into this one.  I won't be publishing it until I get a good ways on my now published projects.  But, I'll be posting those characters and the story description as well. 


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