Chapter Eleven

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It always seems impossible until it's done. - Nelson Mandela


~The Golden Angel~

It had been a few hours since we had raced the horses. I was leading Angel to Bill. Dave and Carl were mounting Don't Blink and QuickSilver, Jessie claimed Cash Out was too crazy for an ordinary jockey to control.
He had another jockey swing by named Jose, he was riding Cash Out. My friends still haven't answered any of my calls or messages which annoyed me. Trying to find Bill I was met with Jessie who was racing up to me.
"What are you doing?" He asked me rushed. "Trying to find Bill, Angel isn't going to race herself." He glanced around before meeting my confused facade, "You have a racing license right?" I nodded, I had raced Angel last year. It was a small race no more than ten people, but regardless Lylla had me get a racing license just incase.
"Mount up," Jessie instructed. My whole body shut down, mount up. The words repeated in my head over and over. Mount up, I couldn't ride her, not in a full blown race. Jessie seemed to see my dismay, "Hey it'll be fine, something tells me you won't be alone."
Although I was skeptical of his words, I didn't question them. With a big leap of courage I mounted Angel, she tossed her head in response ready for the race. Jessie walked us over to the starting gates, he gave me a sly smile.
"Glad to know you're back in a champion's saddle," came an extremely familiar voice. I turned my head to see Lylla astride a handsome bay gelding. "Lylla! What are you doing here?" I was full of shock. "We couldn't miss your first actual race, and I had to give you a little competition." Confusion seemed to cover me, we? Who's we?
Looking past Lylla I saw the impossible. Will, Hannah, Xavier, Emily, Luke, Ben, and Samatha, all wearing shirts that wrote, "Team Kiley" I smiled wildly. I couldn't imagine they were here! "KILEY!!!!! YOU'LL DO AMAZING!" Hannah yelled all the way to China. I laughed as shouts from my friends seemed to somehow be louder than the audience. Jessie lead Angel and I into the gate, Lylla a couple horses down from me. We were number five, which was odd considering both the name Angel and Kiley had five letters in it.
I took a deep breath as Jessie walked out shutting the gate. Angel was excited, energy coursing through her veins. Minutes flew by as other Thoroughbreds were loaded into the gates. Several reared, others pranced. When every racer was occupied in a gate it grew terribly silent in the stands. "I've never seen you around these parts, who are you?" A male jockey asked in the gate next to me. "Kiley Tyler, this is my first race." He smirked, "You won't be winning anything kid, this is a place for champions not some newbie such as yourself." My nerves pinched at his hostile tone, my arms trembling.
"That's enough Markous, she's just a girl. I'm sure you'll do great sweetie," A woman next to Markous said to me in a thick english accent. I looked down to Angel, she was ready, focused, and completely still. I looked ahead of me at the tilled dirt track, Jessie talking to a few other people.
Returning to the side lines he mouthed the words, "Trust the horse" I blew a stream of air nodding. Taking one more glance around I took note of nineteen other horses in the gate with me. Lylla glaring hard at Markous for his words. A bell rang and the gates hurriedly opened.
I held on tight as Angel maintained her pace, she moved with such power and precision. Seeming to know when to speed up or slow down. Lylla was ahead of us along with Markous and the woman. Fear trickled down my spine, there were so many accidents in racing. Before I only raced with nine other horses, not nineteen! The sound of hooves racked my brain, the constant moving in and out of horses made my grip tighten, the thousands of yelling fans clouded my brain.
I was feeling light headed, sweat dripping down my back. Angel picked up on my discomfort, her confident moves became weary. Her nerves increasing as mine were. I was affecting her racing but also her judgement. Searching the audience I found Jessie he knew exactly what was happening. Making eye contact with me he drew in a breath. Looking at me with calm eyes, "Breathe" Although I couldn't hear him I knew what he had said.
Nodding I returned my focus to the race, Angel and I were at least five legs behind everyone. I tried to relax taking deep inhales and letting longer ones out... Trust the horse. The words seemed to speak to me, louder than all the distractions.
The noises from earlier vanished, my ears only hearing Angel's strong breath, the pounding of her hooves, and those words. My whole body relaxing, my nerves replaced with determination. Angel picked up on my change she glanced at me, shifting her head to the side so that she was still straight.
She looked right at me, "Angel I have no idea what I'm doing. You're the pro if you want to try this then I will." We were dead last and a curve behind. She turned her head her stride widening. I felt a sudden jolt as she took off. She ran with tremendous speed, turning the curve with ease as she darted to catch up with the other racers. There was no doubt in my mind, she had made it clear we were not ending it like this.
I held on as she caught up to the horses, passing three. Within seconds we were neck and neck with Markous's black Thoroughbred. Turning the curve now only a little further. Stretching her entire body we were finally focused together. She pulled through reaching the finish, five legs ahead of Markous.
"Angel we did it!!!!" I shouted burning with excitement. Looking to the crowd I found everyone on their feet, everyone including myself wondering how we recovered. I found my friends leaping and screaming in the stands, spilling their drinks and popcorn. Jessie embraced Linda and John everyone aroused.
Angel slowed, I was in awe. How could a mare such as herself win after such a distance? Once she slowed to a walk, I wrapped my arms around her sweaty neck. If there's one thing for sure, it's that she's an incredible athlete.


A/N: Don't y'all all just love Angel? She's just an all around awesome horse!

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