Chapter Seventeen

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  Without stupid people we would have no one to laugh at, take the time and thank someone for their contribution. - Unknown


      ~Equine Splash Olympics~

  Everyone returned mounted on their steeds all ready for war. Jessie was beyond tired, but managed to keep a firm seat on Cash Out. I kinda felt bad for waking him up, not too bad to make him leave though.
  We all stood in a circle on dry land. "Okay here are the rules, number one no grabbing someone else's horse, number two don't sleep and drive at the same time, number three only splashing or gently shoving someone off their mount allowed, and four the first one who complains about being tired is going to sleep with wet clothes, am I clear?" Ben explained.
  I smiled nodding at my crazy british friend. Within seconds we were all in the pond carefully avoiding one another. Nathan rode a gorgeous palomino overall pinto yawning a little, he moved the mare closer to Will who was eyeing him carefully.
  Out of nowhere Luke galloped Sugar through the pond clashing into Xavier and Charmer. Xavier was flung off his horse landing on Ben's chestnut pinto. The horse reared knocking the both of them off. Luke reached over grabbing Xavier's hand, a line of apologies continuous from him.
  Xavier yanked down on Luke's hand pulling the eighteen year old in the water. I smiled shaking my head at the boys. A huge wave of water collided with Jack and I the both of us shocked from the sudden occurrence. I scowled at my splash ambusher, of course it was Jessie.
  I clicked and Jack reared he landed back on all fours giving Jessie a giant wave of water. I patted my chestnut's shoulder laughing ridiculously. Jessie stood on top of Cash Out his body relaxed having done this often. He smiled at me as if knowing something I didn't. I cocked an eyebrow, "What?" I stood up trying to steady myself.
  I felt myself leaning forward, I latched onto Jessie's arm saving me from the long fall. "You have no idea how tempted I am to pull away," he bit his bottom lip as if really struggling with the idea. I looked at him in terror, "Don't you dare, I'll die if you do that."
  He just laughed taking my hand in his to better steady myself. Both of our hands were entwined me trying not to die, him trying not to fall. He looked at me the corners of his lips curled up. His brown eyes twinkling with excitement.
  "Can you believe you didn't like me at first?" I said out of nowhere remembering the awkward dinner. "Yeah I thought you were a weirdo, it's a shame I was right." I rolled my eyes adjusting my footing on Jack. "Hey Jessie, what if we try something," I smiled widely at him.
  He cocked an eyebrow amusement plastered on his face, "Like what?" I licked my lips a little nervous, "Like I try bareback riding and you race, at least once?" He sighed looking down at Cash Out and Jack before his eyes landed on me, "Deal." I squealed, "Really?? I completely thought you were going to say no!" He shot me a boyish grin, "You do realize you have to Ride bareback?" I cringed all excitement diminished.
  He chuckled, "Don't worry about it, nothing bad will happen I'll be there." I took note at how close we were, how I could feel his breath linger in my skin, and the warmth of his body. Our faces were inches apart, my heart was beating out of my chest, my stomach felt like it had butterflies.
  We both leaned in. "Aww what a beautiful moment," Ben cooed from below us. Instantly we retracted our heads letting go of one another causing the both of us to fall. I landed on Jack's bony back the air knocked out of me. Jessie emerged from the water shaking the water out of his hair laughing like a little girl.
  Ben jumped on Jessie pulling him underwater. The next thing I knew I was being tugged underwater with Emily on top of me. We wrestled in the cold water splashing around until I was out of breath. I broke through the surface inhaling much needed oxygen.
  I looked over to see everyone's horse facing away from me. Luke was in the middle standing on Sugar's back dancing like a retard. Xavier was right beside him on Charmer doing the disco. Hannah was on the other side of Luke doing a pretty well choreographed routine on the back of a horse.
  Samantha was practically forcing Nathan to dance, by forcing I mean grabbing his arms and waving them around. Ben was now on his pinto standing up, but doing the whip and neigh neigh. I could feel nightmares happening tonight. Will was doing the sprinkler, a terrible, terrible version of the sprinkler.
  Jessie was up and standing on Cash Out just watching the crazies though, he was laughing like there was no tomorrow. I stood on Jack managing my balance, I did a simple cha cha motion still not too comfortable with standing.
  We danced for another thirty minutes before drying off with a bunch of towels Emily had brought. We were too tired to walk up the hill and to our separate tents so we all stayed a few feet from the pond. I sat down leaning against Jack who had already rolled and was now laying.
  He was dusty and wet, but so was I. He curled his head around nudging my cold hand, I stroked his nose shaking with the midnight air. Luke was shaking like a little baby laid up against Sugar's warm body. All the horses were laid right side up, each of them just as tired as us.
  Will came back with a month's worth supply of blankets. I snuggled up in the thick fabric, feeling oddly like a burrito. I watched as all my friends bundled themselves up in the blankets. While also laying a few over the horses, Jack had about three just to keep him from getting too cold.
  It had been forty minutes and everyone but me was passed out. I couldn't sleep I was too enveloped in my own thoughts. My temple creased as a horse galloped over towards us. None of our horses seemed to care, so I didn't stress out too much. As it neared I recognized the handsome beauty.
  It was none other than the big black savior, Olympic. He slowed to a walk calmly strolling over towards me. Jack eyed the stallion pinning his ears lightly as to say 'don't come any closer to her.' Olympic understood and stayed only a few inches away from me. He softly nickered asking for Jack's permission.
  Jack turned his head towards me as Olympic approached. He sniffed my outstretched legs, wiggling them with his top lip. He ventured to my face nudging my cheek ever so gentle. The muscular horse snorted taking a few steps back, he laid down rubbing his head on his leg.
  He then rolled over onto his side welcoming sleep eagerly. No matter what the horse did I could never figure him out. I grinned at the stallion, leaning my head against Jack's stomach. My eyes began to grow heavy, darkness enclosed my colorful view. I instantly fell asleep.


  A/N: Ben has a stupid mind... especially when he's got an idea.......

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