Chapter Fifteen

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When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look for stars. - Unknown

       ~The Not So Okay Visit~

  They disappeared over the hill, I quickly ran over there crouching down behind a tree. "This is a bad idea," Peter said to a older boy. He looked my age, maybe a year older.
  "Relax Pete, I know what I'm doing," the teen said. He had shaggy brown hair and wore a hoodie. Why were they out here? The stallion galloped around them both full of spirit. "Olympic dude chill, your horse is a psycho," the teen sighed. "Chase, you're literally the last person to say that," Peter complained rolling his eyes.
  "Chase was the teens name, and Olympic is the stallions, gotcha," I whispered to myself. I had to admit Olympic wasn't a bad name for the horse. I had no idea why they were out so late, but I was definitely going to get some answers. Even though I barely know these people.
  "He could find us, you know. He's not a complete idiot like you," Peter snapped. Okay, that kid's got an attitude. Chase held up his hands, "Dude I am so not wanting to deal with your attitude right now, Lisa is already breathing down my back about you so chill."
  What did he mean by that? I cocked my head still very confused as to what they meant. Olympic suddenly stopped, he held his head on high alert stomping the ground. Chase and Peter froze. A man rode up to them on horseback, where the heck did he come from?
  "Hey we struck a deal! You left us alone while we were doing the cattle drive," Chase hissed beyond irritated. Olympic retreated to Peter snorting at the strange man. "I've never been known to keep a deal..." Okay what was going on?? Maybe I might need to get back up? Incase a fights starts, at the first sight of trouble I'll get the camp leaders...
  Peter stayed quiet as Chase and the man argued. He studied the horse analyzing every detail. Now that I look at it, the horse was awfully skinny. She was a palomino and looked like she was about to fall apart. She was exhausted. "Chase!" I nearly jumped out of my skin startled.
  It was one of the camp leaders. Chase clenched his jaw, "You don't touch him." He said in a very seriously threatening tone. He then ran over to the camp, luckily not spotting me. I turned my attention back to Peter. He didn't look too thrilled at Chase's absence.
  He jumped off his saddle, Olympic quickly got in between the two. "Still a horse thief?" The man snarled. What??? How could a fifteen year old boy be a horse thief? Then again I don't know these people but he's just a kid for crying out loud. Peter didn't answer he just scowled.
  The man went to move closer, but was stopped by Olympic who kicked at the man. "Get control of your horse." When was Chase gonna get back? I didn't like the idea of a fifteen year old being alone with a forty year old, regardless of the horse. He went to mount his palomino, but Olympic had other ideas. He lunged separating the mare from the man.
  Olympic locked eyes with Peter. Peter nodded to his horse. What did that mean? Olympic looked up at me he nodded then took off with the mare. He knew I was here? Wait did he expect me to do something? Man I wish Jack were with me, or Will, or Hannah, Luke wouldn't be too bad either.
  Peter looked rather bored with the situation. "There you go again stealing my horse!" The man yelled taking a step closer to Peter. Does he like not talk? Hmmm. "Lost your voice? Where's the fiery kid I've been so accustomed to?" He smirked pushing Peter back. Peter regained his composure, glaring at him.
  My brain screamed at me to do something, but if I did the man would just deny. I pulled out my phone videoing. Without a warning the man pushed Peter down, straddling him. He covered his mouth and retrained his arms. "I'm sick and tired of you messing with my business," the man growled as Peter struggled under his hold.
  I shot up sprinting over. I was only a few strides away, the man didn't falter. I was shaking like crazy. What was I doing? My breath caught in the back of my throat. "Don't come any closer," The man warned, looking at me with furious eyes.
  "L-let him go," My voice was trembling. Maybe this was a bad idea. He stood up keeping a firm hold on Peter's wrist. Yep, this was a terrible idea. I turned to run but was knocked over by someone. Groaning I sat up shaking my head. Peter was on the ground next to me shuddering. I was on the verge of tears, I was terrified. I heard someone's footsteps, I looked behind me to see Chase and Will walking briskly to us. I didn't know why Will was here but seeing him eased my nerves.
  "Kiley!" Will jogged over to me followed by Chase. The man took off disappearing behind the forest wall. Will knelt down by me, "Are you okay? Who was that guy?" I sat up looking at Will, I wrapped my arms around his neck still shaking. He returned the hug, trying to calm me.
  "You're okay," Will whispered to me. I nodded breaking the hug, smiling back at him.



  Sorry it's a little shorter than usual but I've been super busy with school starting back up and all. Btw I've been dying for a little action ssooo this happened😂 What do y'all think? It's about to get a little crazy... let's just say Jack doesn't like being without his girl!

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