Chapter Twenty

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It's the days when your hands are blistered, your skin is sweaty, your hair is crazy, and you breath in colossal gulps of air. Is when the hard work and long days count the most. - Henslee McWhorter

~Different Day, Same Horses~

I kicked Angel softly as she took her final warm-up lap. Her once brown neck darkened to black with perspiration. She turned onto a straight, I clicked urging her to a gallop. She took off increasing her speed to forty-five miles per hour. I stood above the saddle leaning with her as she turned the curve.
I could feel the power she possessed in her slick black legs. Her shiny black mane flying in the wind. She was now fully extended and I was completely focused. She zoomed ripping through the dirt one hoof at a time. She reached the last curve, with elegance she shifted her body slanting into the curve.
I followed her lead tilting mine with hers. As we entered the straight I drew in a breath. "This is it Angel, this is where you win and win like a pro," I spoke in a whisper but she turned her ears slightly listening to my voice.
I held out the reins nearly to the tips of her ears which were pinned by the amount of wind. She snorted gaining every last bit of her energy and engaging it into our best time. I exhaled and she flew. I forgot about the man, mixed feelings about friends, how I had to go home soon, the stress in dealing with seven horses, everything and anything I dismissed it.
I looked between Angel's ears, listening to her heavy breath, the pounding of her hooves, seeing the shine of her coat, all I could think about right now was freedom. A feeling I only got racing and that feeling will never falter.
We crossed the finish, but the cheers and applause from my viewers didn't even enter my mind. All I saw was Angel and I galloping past the ranch workers, blurring out all the distractions. She slowed down after three laps we finally came to a walk. Her breathing was now relaxed, but she was definitely still anxious.
Sliding off of my seal bay mare, I hugged her neck. Pulling away I saw the insides of my sleeves covered in sweat from my shiny girl. I gave her one last pet before walking her off of the track. Danny rushed up to us with his stopwatch. "You just beat Don't Blink's best time, how's it feel?" He asked a sly smirk on his dark face.
I grinned, "Like anything you could imagine." I took ahold of Angel's reins leading her to the barn. She stood tall over me, but yet was so careful not to step on me. I lead her all the way down the hill to my house where I rinsed her off and turned her out in the paddock to cool off for a bit.


After an hour's rest I had tacked up Atlantic Black and rode to an indoor arena for cutting. Luke was waiting astride Sugar in a chute I took my time warming my big blue roan up, then made my way over to the other chute. A steer already in the pen.
It opened and Atlantic Black bolted. Luke easily roped the head, I quickly followed catching both feet. We did so in ten seconds flat. I smiled rubbing my already heavy breathing Quarter. We were in for a tiring session, one that I might find myself lacking energy.
We led the steer back into the chute. We were too focused to speak and too tired to try. Everyone still recovering from the long cattle drive just two days ago. I clucked Atlantic Black walked to his chute his head low. My hand traced the horse's toned muscles feeling each step he took.
He halted facing the open arena. I hopped off and shut the chute for the steer. Luke mounted Sugar after collecting the ropes. I secured the chute catching my rope Luke tossed me, I hurriedly mounted Atlantic Black waiting for the steer to be released.
Lola giggled from behind the rails holding one of the ropes for the chute, Lucas on the opposite side of her holding another. "Now," Nicky whispered to the eager children. They let go and the steer bolted into the vacant arena. Sugar's dappled coat zipped toward the front easily aligning herself at a perfect angle for Luke.
He swung it once, the worn out rope hugged the steer's small horns securing the head. We were right on it's heels, my big boy ducked his head a little giving me a better view point. My lasso flew snatching the steer's back legs sending the animal down.
I looked up at our time, seven seconds. Luke nodded in approval of course Sugar always ran five seconds, but for a team score I'd say seven was just fine. Nicky climbed over the railed fencing, she walked up to the steer loosening the ropes and pulling them off.
She handed them to Luke and I, while offering the steer a handful of treats. The short animal graciously accepted slurping down every last one. She haltered him, taking him into the small turn out pen for the cutting cattle. I high-fived Luke both of us beat, but I still had two more horses to ride.
With an exhausted sigh, a slouchy posture, and a defeated afternoon of nonexistent rest, I did a few more exercises with Atlantic, then untacked him and rinsed him off returning him to his field with Jack.

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