Chapter Seven

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Freedom is the oxygen of the soul. - Moshe Dayan


  ~Trail Riding With The Family~

I woke up with an early start, I don't know what was happening to me but I was loving it. I usually dreaded the mornings, but today was different for some reason. I walked over to my house stables. Jack was in the corner of his stall sleeping. I went over to him and changed out his hay net along with refilling his water.
He was quite excited to see me, greeting me with a nicker. I stroked his nose, feeling his soft smooth coat. Walking over to Atlantic Black who was right beside Jack, I refilled the hay and water. Atlantic Black was laid on his side sleeping away, I decided not to bother him and go see Amaya. She was currently drinking from her trough. I gave her a playful smile before renewing the water and hay. I gave her grain as well to help her put on some wight.
She snorted with a thanks her nose plunging into her breakfast. Promise already had her head over the stall door, eager to see me. I grinned widely seeing her two foals. Both of which were laid in the back of the stall resting. Promise nudged my cheek, wow I guess she's really missed her daily rides. Giggling I petted her jaw, while also refilling the water and hay. Gave the foals one last glance heading to the barn.
I was done mucking out the stalls in half an hour, along with feeding the horses and dogs as well. Jessie mentioned something about getting the horses ready whatever that means, leaving me alone to do Magic's session.
I grabbed a purple rope halter slipping it over her nose, she was quite a calm horse in the stalls. I grabbed a lung line walking her out of the barn and into a wide open pasture. I set up a small oxer, getting her to trot around me. Her head was high indicating she was alert, her stride was actually quite long. Even longer than Jack's. I had her trot a couple more times around me, switching her to the other direction. She seemed to have an easier time with the right lead than left. I'll have to fix that later.
I had her change direction once more, she licked her lips letting out a deep sigh as she trotted around me. Now that she was calm, I gave her more slack. She made her circle wider, alining herself with the upcoming jump. She easily trotted over the jump. I smiled at her knowing a one footer was way too easy for her. I continued jumping her in both directions for another hour and a half.
By now we were both sweating profoundly, each of us exhausted. I "woahed" her and took her to the pen. I unlooped the halter, placing it on the fence. Clicking to her she began to lope immediately. She was behaving very well, her head low, her inner ear pointed to me, her speed even not rushed. She was gorgeous, if she didn't have such a fiery attitude, I wouldn't doubt she'd be an eye catcher for potential buyers.
Jessie walked out to the fence, leaning on the rail, "How did you do this?" He asked in disbelief at how calm Promise was. "Jumped her for an hour and a half. What's up?" I pointed the other way, instantly she changed directions. "Saddle up one of your horses, my cousin, sister, a friend, and I are going for a trail ride. You're coming with." I signalled for her to halt, her abruptly skidding to a stop. "Fine, we were wrapping up anyway." He nodded strolling off to another barn. I returned Magic to her stall, racing over to my house. I felt guilty for keeping Promise locked up for the past two days, so i decided to let her graze and move the other horses to a pasture on the other side of my house.
Haltering Atlantic Black and Amaya, I let them graze at the other paddock. Letting Promise graze with her newborn foals in the original paddock. I tacked up Jack, mounting, not even bothering to open the gate we jumped over the fence. Jack transitioned to a walk, as we made our way to the racetrack. It wasn't a pretty scenery on the way there. We were walking on a sandy path with golden grass everywhere, most of the landscape being made of plains every once and a while I could spot a tree.
Jack's chestnutty coat shined as the sun beamed down on us, he truly was a gorgeous boy! I was beginning to see the teens as we neared them. Racheal was riding a light bay gelding. Nicky astride a chestnut paint. Sky astride a stunning black horse. Jessie on Cash Out. "Whoa your horses are all amazingly beautiful," I complemented. Gosh I didn't know how they could get their horses that charismatic but I was going to find out. "Thanks Jack is breathtaking by the way. Kiley this is my saddlebred Ebony, he does harnesslink," Racheal introduced.
"Thanks girl, this is Crown Em' Like You Own Em' or as I like to call Prince. He's a paint, his event is dressage," Nicky grinned. "Appreciate the compliment. This is my western pleasure mare, her name is Haven," Sky explained. I nodded their horses were beyond pretty. Jessie signalled to Cash Out and we began a very long trail ride.
I came to find all the horses personalities. Ebony was hot headed, but he knew when to settle down. Prince was a very prissy horse, he was clearly very full of himself. Haven was a very relaxed mare, she often kept her neck low. Cash Out was a mix between trouble maker, absent minded, and complete moron. I'm not joking that horse was insane! One moment he would be walking calmly amongst the horses and the next he'd be rearing and bucking.
Once he almost ran into a tree, how does a horse find the one tree in the plains to almost run into? I don't know. It was between Jack and Haven who was the best mannered. I smiled as a cool breeze blew back my hair. The plains were quiet, the grass golden, and the sky calming. Jack liked to look at the numerous butterfly's that would blow by. His mind was blown when he saw one, he tried to eat it. Upon walking in the golden waves, I saw a few animals.
A deer and fawn grazing a few yards from us, the two of them very peaceful. I saw multiple bunnies, even a bald eagle! It was a sight I'll never forget! But that wasn't the best part, not even close. We rode from the time breakfast finished to the time the sun was setting. All of us were on a decent sized hill, looking down upon all of God's mesmerizing creatures. We watched for thirty minutes when the horses spook, but stayed still. For a second I thought we were in danger, but then I saw the most amazing thing I'd ever seen.
A herd of twenty wild horses galloping across the horizon. Variations of all different colors; bays, chestnuts, dapples, appaloosas, pintos, buckskins, palominos, even a grulla. In fact a grulla was leading the herd. Her mane was smoothed back due to the wind. She ran with pride, each step she took grace followed. She almost looked as if she was floating through the golden sea. She was a little ways in the lead. I could hear the pounds of their hooves.
The astonishing scene lasted for merely seconds before the horses vanished into the horizon. "Whoa!" Sky gasped stretching out the word. "Yo Samergia has gotten f-a-s-t!" Nicky grinned. "Samergia?" "She's the grulla up front, the lead mare herself," Jessie explained. Racheal stopped her video, "I am so sending this to everyone I know!!!" She reminded me of Emily, Emily would of so videoed every millisecond of that. "Wanna race after them?" Nicky suggested.
I took a quick glance around to find everyone with daring faces. I am not getting behind this time, I clicked to Jack and we sped down the hill. Jack touched flat ground knowing exactly where I wanted him to go. Tears formed in my eyes as he gained speed, eagerly wanting to run with wild horses. A quick glance over my shoulder told me; Jessie wasn't too far behind, Racheal was neck and neck with Sky. Nicky a little ahead of them. Jack ripped through the wind like a comet, not daring to slow down as Cash Out came up on us.
The horses began to come into view, Jack had a new excitement of energy recovering lost ground. This put a small gap in between Cash Out and I. "Still need those name suggestions!" I bellowed. "If you win, fine, if you lose you'll be waiting until our next bet!" He shouted back. I licked my lips, Jack noticing my sudden urge to win. He stretched his long powerful legs out, reaching forty miles per hour. We reached the wilds. As Jack continued sprinting to the front of the herd, I took in all the horses. Right next to us was a black horse with a bald face, white underbelly, and white legs. He also had two blue eyes, but black mane.
We sped ahead of him racing by a mare and filly. The mare a bay appaloosa roan with four white socks, her filly a chestnut appaloosa with white socks.We passed a few more horses finally making it to the front. We were barely behind Samergia. Her hooves were eating up the ground, slinging mud everywhere.
Jack and I stayed in step with her, eventually getting in front of her. It was the greatest feeling ever. I've never galloped on Jack for fun, only for competition and it was nice to be miles away from that. I let go of the reins stretching out my arms, the sunset warming them. My hair going crazy as the wind tugged at it. I closed my eyes breathing in fresh air.
I felt so light and free. The wind in my face, the fresh scent of clean air, hundreds of hooves played as my soundtrack. Jack and I were one, and I've never in my entire life felt better than I do right now. It's like I could taste freedom, see peace, feel completely safe. My eyes slowly opened resting on the view in front.
The sun settled over numerous golden hills blowing in the summer breeze. Looking to my right Samergia was just barely lagging behind us. She seemed to feel the same as we both did. Free of worry. A thin stream approached, I got into jumping position. Samergia had the same idea.
She gained speed leaping over the cold stream. Jack and I followed gracefully, landing smoothly. Jack nickered jovial, I laughed this was something I could never get used to. After a while Jack began to slow down, tired from running up front. We parted ways with Samergia, falling back to the black horse with the bald face.
He gave us a brief glance before speeding past with the rest of the herd. Jack and I stood there each of us yearning to be with the wild horses, but too exhausted to continue. The sun was now a bright orange, the sky turning red and purple. Jack was coated in liquid, breathing hard and heavy.
I patted his shoulder and walked over to Jessie who had been trailing behind the herd. "We won," I smiled victorious. He nodded, "You really want name suggestions?" I grinned widely as we turned back toward the ranch. "How about Allude and Ginny?" Oh I liked Allude a lot!! That would be a perfect name for the colt!


A/N: Would you gallop next to a herd of wild horses? I would!

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