Chapter Eighteen

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Don't let your mind stop you from having a good time - Jason Mraz


  My legs screamed, my hands burned, my arms shook, my whole body was on fire. This cattle drive was killing me, at first I enjoyed it everyone together, meeting people, laughing with friends. However, feeling this sore and smelling this bad I just wanted to go back to the ranch and rest for years. Atlantic Black would agree himself, he walked slower, held his head lower, and resisted my commands continuously.
  Jack was following freely he had no halter or rope, he was his own gelding. I snuck a look at Jessie, his head rested on Cash Out's rearhind, his back arched over the back of the saddle, somewhat attempting to rest. That looked terribly uncomfortable. I took note of the fellow campers walking their horses along side me.
  We were nearly at the cows' new pastures. Peter rode on Olympic holding the reins ever so tightly, he looked irritated almost choleric. Chase wasn't with him, he was walking his horse towards the front of the group. I frowned, what was up with them? I shook the question off looking at Foster and his Akhal Teke.
  The gorgeous sloothy buckskin, held his head assertively as if lowering it might put a crick in his neck. Cassandra lead her horse a little ways in front of Foster, she looked back at him every so often to check on the boy. I smiled at their trust built relationship, I wonder what their story is?
  I looked back at the hundreds of cow backs I had become so accustomed too. I peered ahead to see the faint sight of a fence line trailing the vast plains ahead. I kicked Atlantic Black, he tossed his head but did as I asked. We loped onwards keeping a small distance between ourselves and the herd careful not to startle any cattle.
  We stopped to find it was indeed a fence line with the gates strung open awaiting the hungry tired mouths soon to accompany it. I smiled so widely my mouth felt numb. I cheered letting everyone know about the ending just inches in front of me. Atlantic Black picking up on my sudden excitement had a surge of energy taking off after the cows. My arms shot down to the reins attempting to share control with the thousand pound horse below me.
  He galloped to the back of the herd diving into the flock like a penguin dives for fish. The cows advanced to a slow lope the rest of the wranglers followed our lead welcomingly speeding up the livestock. I heard a distance, "Finally this doesn't suck!" From Luke in the distance. Big surprise there.
  The animals ran through the gates to hundreds of open land. Everyone celebrated at their final arrival. Various trailers were stationed with trucks attached. I leaped off the blue roan hugging his sweaty neck. My arms trembled from my effort but I ignored it my emotions were definitely spiraling.
  I untacked him setting his tack on a rack in the trailer. I loaded the tired boy up along with a flashy chestnut Hanoverian. I smiled at my two favor boys... sorry Allude. I stepped out as Hannah and Ben loaded their pintos, Will followed behind them with his palomino. I smiled warmly at my besties as we shut the trailer and hopped into the truck.
  Will had the drivers, Ben the passenger, and Hannah and I had the lovely roomy back. We waited for thirty minutes as the rest of the wranglers loaded their horses and disappeared into trucks. Linda and John lead the herd of trucks and trailers down the road toward the ranch.
  "I swear I'm paralyzed," Ben assumed moving his legs with his worn out hands. Will stifled a laugh rolling down the windows. "Oh thank God, now the radio there is no way I'm listening to Ben all the way there," Hannah demanded although it sounded rather as a threat. Will did so immediately waving off Hannah's tone.
  "Okay as soon as we get there we're watching Captain Marvel!" I rolled my eyes at the black haired movie-fanatic. Hannah kicked his seat groaning loudly, "Ughh! Shut up I need to sleep." Ben grinned letting out an amused laugh. Hannah leaned her head against the now rolled up window shutting her eyes.
  Halfway there, I was sound asleep finally sleeping without worrying over the other campers aka Peter and Chase or stressing out over Jack, or wandering how Promise and her babies were getting along without me, and Amaya's well being with Angel paired with her. The music blasted into my ears, I jerked awake, Hannah and Will having the exact reaction.
  I looked to see Ben in the driver's seat trying to drive while also shoving a  hot dog into his mouth. Hannah rolled her eyes yelling at him to turn the music down, Will did it for him not before sending a nasty glare at Ben though. He opened the console taking out eight foil wrapped hot dogs.
  My stomach growled furiously eyeing the meaty meal. I reached immediately snatching two along with several ketchup packets. Hannah without hesitation stole three of them! She unwrapped the foil shoving the delightful meal into her mouth.
  Will grabbed two along with ketchup packets. He opened the foil spreading ketchup onto the hot dog and shoved it into his mouth. I laughed as he shut his eyes feeling replenished.
  I wasted no time, tearing open the neatly wrapped hot dog, poured ketchup on it, I stuffed it into my jaws.  My mouth watered tasting the weenie and the tangy sensational ketchup melting my mouth. If this wasn't heaven I don't know what is! I looked back at the horse trailer.
  Jack and Atlantic Black were communicating back and forth with a trailer being pulled beside them by Luke. I grinned seeing Sugar and Charmer nuzzling one another. I smiled even wider seeing Emily and Samantha's pintos. I could only imagine what was going on in that truck.
  I looked behind them to see Chase driving another truck. Peter road shotgun looking out the window. Olympic, Chase's horse, and the mistreated palomino rode peacefully. On the other side a little behind us traveled Jessie, Nathan, Cassandra, And Foster.
  Apparently Jessie and Nathan knew Cassandra so it all worked out. The stunning Akhal Teke rode excited to see all the horses around him being hauled in trailers. An Appaloosa rode with the Akhal Teke, along with Cash Out and Jenna (Nathan's pinto).
  My smile widened the horses were all exceedingly stunning!! I turned back in my seat smiling at Hannah who finished her hot dogs. She pulled out her phone and we took a selfie making sure to get a horse trailer in the background.

  "What's the scariest thing you've ever done?" Hannah asked smirking at Will who was in deep thought. He drew down his eyebrows in thought. "This one time when I was five my sister wasn't born yet, but I had accidentally broke a vase my mom was working on, a birthday present for her boss. I was so scared I remembered hiding under my bed only to find out that vase wasn't even the real one," amusement played across his face remembering it all.
  I smiled picturing a little blonde boy dashing to his room cause he broke his mother's blue sunflower vase. "Ben?" Ben knew almost immediately.
  "One time I was being extra stupid with my mate Luca, I took Dreamer out to ride without asking Emily. Star was lame at the time due to a hoof abscess and I wanted to show off a bit. When Emily came home and saw me riding her horse... I don't think I've ever dismounted so fast," He grimaced.
  I giggled imagining Emily's heated face as she charged at a horrified Ben. "Kiley, you're turn," Hannah smirked crossing her arms.
  "Probably when I rode Big Jake bareback, or the time just last week with that man who nearly lunged at me," I shook the memories flooding in like a tidal wave. Hannah shook her head, "That man is way messed up!" I raised an eyebrow at her scowl, "Yours?"
  She smirked, "When I hopped on Junior to break him and Remy spooked freaking Junior out taking off with me!" I smiled giggling at the video her mom had shown me. For the rest of the trip home or to the ranch we talked a little but slept most of the time. I was not a fan of driving though, luckily Will decided to relieve me of my misery early.


I know it's been AGES since I posted a new chapter and I'm sorry for all of y'all who've really been into this story.  I'll be posting MORE THAN ONE chapter tonight/morning (depending on where y'all live) to make it up to y'all! So sorry!!!


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