Chapter Tweleve

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(Angel is SOOO Pretty!!!)

I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart do better things can fall together. - Marilyn Monroe


        ~Jessie & My Friends~

  I dismounted my beautiful Thoroughbred, Angel dipped her head beneath my arms as I rubbed her sweaty ears.
  I can't believe we'd just won the race! My first ever official race!!! I was so excited I jumped in the air! Looking over I found Jessie racing over to me a huge smile plastered on his face. Gosh I didn't know he could run that fast!
  Reaching me he pulled me into a hug, we broke apart my body still trembling with excitement. "We won my first race!" I squealed looking at Angel. "Told you, you would!" I took ahold of Angel's reins still staring at Jessie. He had the darkest of eyes, his hair stuck to his forehead from the sweat, a charming smile spread onto his face.
  At this point I felt like flying, even though I was exhausted I was too excited to let an ounce of tiredness creep over me. "Kiley!!" I heard my best friend yell, coming back to reality I found myself still staring at Jessie. Embarrassed I looked over to Hannah, Jessie did the same patting Angel.
  We embraced each other as all of my friends ran into the track which I'm pretty sure wasn't legal. I greeted everyone with hugs and smiles still comprehending they were really here.
  "Surprise!" Xavier exclaimed doing jazz hands. "We drove five hours to get here not every friend does that!" Ben huffed like he'd just ran a marathon. "You're welcome, we blessed you," Luke smirked. Samantha looked tired, worn out, and irritated. "Hey Kiley, nice to see you again!" She put on a fake smile.
  I gave her a sympathetic one, she nodded seeming to say 'we'll talk later' I nodded in return. "Where's Will?" I asked confused, surely he'd want to come. I really wanted to see him. He was here just a few minutes ago. "Umm, Kiley he didn't want to come..." Hannah sighed looking at the ground.
  I felt a knife hit my side, why didn't he want to? Had I done something wrong? Millions of questions seemed to rattle my brain. A loud blow horn came from behind me, I screamed jumping to Hannah.
  Her fingers plugging her ears, laughter filling her lungs. "Why are you laughing?" I was ticked, Will wasn't coming and a blown horn just made me go deaf!
  "Just turn around Kills!" Hannah's eyes were ready as she laughed the night away. I rolled my eyes turning my head. "Will!" I yelled pulling him into a hug. He was laughing as hard as the rest of them. Pulling away I gave him a stern glare, "I thought you weren't coming!"
  He gave me a bored look, "And why wouldn't I not come?" He chuckled giving me his signature smile. Once we settled down from the hyena take over I still had one thing to do, "Guys this is Jessie, Jessie well you already know." They exchanged greetings, "Wait how does he know us?" Emily placed her hand on her hip.
  "I've showed him a few pictures," What? I've been living with the dude for a little bit now, I at least want him to know who my friends were back home. Lylla walked up, "Dang that mare has some speed, Markus better mind his own tongue!"
  I could of sworn I saw a flash of anger in Jessie's eyes before it was masked. I gave him an odd look he saw it, but stayed silent. Angel nudged Jessie's arm wanting him to pet her again. I giggled as Jessie rolled his eyes petting her shoulder. "Angel's so pretty! Who does she belong to?" Emily asked.
  I bit my bottom lip, "Me!" Samantha squealed among with Hannah and Emily. Linda and John walked out smiling at us all. "Who's Xavier?" She asked ever so kindly. Xavier reluctantly answered. "Thank you for helping out Kiley with her horse and the foals," she smiled shaking his hand.
  He nodded, Luke gagged recoiling the moment. "The foals!!!!" Hannah nearly screamed. "I'm glad y'all decided to show up, you'll have to come with me back to the stands since you're not legitimate racers."
  They obeyed Linda following her back, John stayed helping Lylla and her horse back to the stall. Jessie accompanied my back to his trailer. We untacked Angel, rinsed her off, and let her in a grassy turn out field. She was overjoyed by the taste of the lush untouched field.
  Jessie went to check on the other horses while I headed back to the stands. About halfway there someone stopped me, "Not bad for a girl." Markus spat obviously furious he hadn't won. I looked at his logo, 'Acre Academy' what even was that?
  "Not bad for a racer and her horse I think you mean." Riding a horse was the only sport that no one judged based off of gender, it was how well you and the horse worked together and that alone. His breathes smelled of smoke, his body reeked of alcohol.
  "You'll never win state not when we have a champion Thoroughbred." His eyes weren't focused, but he knew what he was aiming at. "What do you mean?" We still had QuickSilver, Cash Out, and Don't Blink they're world champions. He motioned to a girl stroking the back of a big black Thoroughbred.
  He was gorgeous, muscles well built, long legs for running, if I wasn't mistaken I'd say I've seen him before. "Recognize him? I wouldn't be surprised, ChainBreaker is a very starstruck horse." My eyes widened. That was ChainBreaker? The ChainBreaker??
  Around a few years ago he was the best racer in the world setting records nearly every time his hooves touched the dirt. One day he was running too close to another horse and was tripped up, breaking his leg in the process ending his career. He was later sold at an auction but that was all I'd heard.
  Even though I wasn't a racer nor did I watch derby races, every equestrian knew about him. The news, CBN, SC, every TV station you could think of live streamed his races.
  His accident was all over the world! Every where from: The Legendary ChainBreaker Broke His Last Chain, to The World's Champion ChainBreaker Raced His Last Race, to The Greatest Horse Of All Time Has Silenced The Equine Community.
  After his accident all races were called off for two months out of respect and devastation. Returning to reality I now found the legendary horse himself in front of me. A girl with dark wavy hair and brown eyes held his rope. "I just wanted to say that mare and you were amazing."
  "Thank you, this was my first race." She smiled widely, "Nice job, this is BJ's second I'm hoping he'll do well for me." She peered into the black horse's dark eyes. ChainBreaker's barn name is BJ?? Awesome! "What's your name?" She had a thick English accent and the logo Acre Academy.
  "Eliza Elliott yours?" "Kiley Tyler, it was a pleasure to meet you and your horse!" What? I was meeting the best racehorse of all time, fangirling was 100% allowed! Eliza pulled out her phone, "Here what's your number?" I pulled out mine we switched phones typing in our numbers before returning them.
  "Thanks, see you around Kiley," with that she lead her horse to a trailer. I inwardly exploded!!!! I just got not only the jockey but also the trainer of ChainBreaker or BJ's number!!! Ahhhh!!! Markus scowled at me, "You don't need that." He reached for my phone.
  "Hey!" Came a very harsh voice. Markus immediately seized the action stiffening. I knew that voice too well for it to belong to another. Behind me was a quick walking, Jessie absolutely furious. "What are you doing!" His tone was full of poison towards the man.
  "I don't have to answer to you Kade." The man snapped. Will appeared out of nowhere on the other side of me, "Excuse me sir what's going on?" He respectfully questioned. Jessie crosses his arms waiting for the same reply. Markus stayed silent sending death glares my way.
  "You tried to steal my phone because I had some girl's number on it," I answered for him. I was curious for both Jessie and Will's reaction, they seemed very serious which was a rare sight for Jessie. "Don't do that again sir," Will warned still the well mannered boy I remembered.
  "Don't mess with her," Was Jessie's more aggressive reply. Even though we were in the middle of a standoff I took a moment to compare Jessie and Will.
  Will was the quiet type, one who'd rather watch a movie for date night. He was serious when he needed to be, but let loose with us when we did stupid things. He apart from Emily, was the one who made sure we didn't get into trouble. The responsible one in the group.
  Jessie was the talkative, sarcastic type, he'd have pizza or something for a date making sure to talk someone's head off. He was more laid back let life just fly. Laughed a lot and liked to tease and play around. He wasn't much different from Will.
  They both liked to have fun, they both liked horses, and they both seemed to make me feel delightful. Sure they had their differences as well, but I they knew when to hunker down and settle things.
  A cold liquid covered my face shooting me back to reality. Jessie was doubled over with a large empty bucket in his hands, Will was shaking his head giving me a warm smile. "Sorry, I tried to stop him but..." I just now noticed Will was soaking wet as well, I giggled at his face.
  He wasn't scowling or anything, he was just shaking his head at Jessie. I eyed a water hose a few feet away, sneaking off behind Will I made my way to it. Reaching it I was Will mouthing 'No' probably not wanting to get wet again.
  I took ahold of the hose, cranking the knob. I set the setting on jet, hitting Jessie as his hair was the first victim. I had sprayed him for about a minute before I stopped, seeing Jessie soaked and a pile of water beneath him.
  Racheal walked up eyeing the three of us suspiciously, "Umm, here's a change of clothes thought y'all could use it." She handed us some clothes before giving me a weary smile. We all got changed and was now in the stands as Racheal sat in a cart. The race now being harnesslink.
  Jessie was watching from the sidelines already pacing around. Once everyone was loaded into their gates the bell rang, the horses leaping into the race. Her horse Ebony was easily in the lead, his stride crazy long and his bay body stunning. I looked closely at a horse coming up behind them, the logo on the horse's saddle blanket being Acre Academy.
  Unaware my eyes found Jessie, he was eyeing them both very carefully. It wasn't about two minutes before the race finished, Racheal coming in first, Acre Academy's rider second. Jessie jogged over to Racheal hugging her. He helped her out of her cart, but suddenly stopped. His eyes fixated on someone else walking up to him.
  Samantha rolled her eyes, what was that about? Jessie pulled the stranger into a bro hug, both of them knew each other quite well by the looks of it. The hooded teen turned to reveal Nathan! "Wait is that?" Ben examined. "Nathan?" Hannah spoke cutting him off. "When did he show up!" Emily asked perplexed.
  The rest of the day went by smoothly, QuickSilver, Don't Blink, Cash Out, and ChainBreaker along with Sky and Nicky's horses all won their races. I didn't talk much with Jessie since the water fight, he was busy helping everyone out. I talked a bit to my friends, Ben however kept raving on and on about Spider-Man Far From Home's Trailer claiming it was going to be epic.

  The horses were now all loaded into the trailers, my friends riding in their trucks while I rode with Jessie. I was going to ask him about Nathan and Markus, but one look at the poor guy told me I better keep my trap shut.
  He looked parched, he was obviously tired from all the days work. I felt kinda bad having him drive back home, but I wouldn't know where I was going  or I would of been driving.
  Around two hours into the drive my stomach was talking, I only had the breakfast this morning and I haven't eaten since. "Where do you want to eat?" Jessie asked out of the blue. I thought for a moment, "Whataburger!!" The very thought of the name made my mouth break into a flood.
  He chuckled at my excitement switching lanes. I called my friends, "Hey we are going to Whataburger wanna come?" They all answered with a yes!! I told them to follow Jessie since he was the only one who knew where to go.
  I laughed seeing various trucks pulling trailers behind us, it kinda looked weird. Leaning back in the seat I closed my eyes thinking through the days event.
  Recalling all the memories from today. I still can't believe not only did I own a Thoroughbred, or a crazy good racehorse, but won my first actual race with her!! I smiled as I remembered Lylla popping up behind me when I first noticed my friends in the stands.
  I looked back on when Jessie told me to trust the horse, making a new thought jump into my head. Jessie bought me Angel, I didn't even ask or bring her up to him that I wanted to own her. Sure I spoke about her a lot working with QuickSilver, but I never imagined this.
  I smiled as the water fight flashed into my mind, remembering how Jessie and Will stood up for me. I could handle myself, but it's always a lot less of work on my part if someone else handles the person for me. Jessie wasn't like my Sorrel Hill friends, he was a complete different character.
  He was surprising, funny, sarcastic, exciting, a total prankster, but he was also really sweet and kind and loved to make people laugh. Maybe this summer isn't going to be as bad as I planned.


A/N: Longer chapter this time! Hope y'all like it! Any predictions?

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