Chapter Eight

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   (That's Atlantic Black btw)

Never be afraid to try something new. Because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know. - Unknown


    ~The Terrifying Lessons~

    I untacked Jack hosing him off, letting him out with the other horses. I took a quick shower, meeting Linda at my doorstep. We got into the mule, Linda stomping on the gas. "How was the lesson? Jessie said you were doing a mighty fine job with that filly." I looked out at the vast land, "She loves to jump maybe even as much as Jack. She's really good at it as well, she could be an excellent jumper one day."
  Linda nodded as I talked. "Well I'm glad, it's about time that filly learns to get along," Linda said parking the mule. We walked inside to find everyone pacing around. Danny flipping pancakes on the stove, Vallery setting the table with napkins, Sky trying to get Lola and Lucas to sit down. I smiled, I guess every family really is crazy. "If you're under the age of twenty-one sit down!" Linda practically shouted over the building chaos. All of us halted, well all except the adults.
  Racheal sat by Nicky the two of them chatting about one another's ride this morning. Jessie took a seat, but not before stealing a piece of bacon. Lola, Lucas, and Sky scampered down in their usual spots. It didn't take long for me to notice that I was the only one standing under the age of twenty-one, so I quickly sat at the end of the table. When everyone was finally seated Linda said grace, and we began to eat.
  The bacon was extra crispy, leaving a divine taste in my mouth. I spread the butter onto my pancakes, pouring syrup. I took my knife and cut the fluffy irresistible cake, shoving it into my mouth. I never knew pancakes could taste so amazing!!! Lucas was the first finished, a little bit of syrup still on his cheek. He may be small but he could definitely put away a meal! He had six pancakes! Six! Nicky had five pancakes, twelve pieces of bacon, and three eggs!!! How she could put all that food away in one sitting and still be able to walk? I have no idea!
  I thanked everyone for breakfast getting up, Linda taking me back to my house. I saddled up Jack once more, walking him out to the racetrack. Jessie was there with QuickSilver. "I'm going first!" I called to him. "Okay I could use a laugh-" I quickly cut him off, "No by me going first I mean you jumping on him." Smirking I tilted my head to Jack. "What, that's not what I meant!" He protested. "Too late you've already agreed!" I lead Jack up to QuickSilver.
  Jessie sighed, tying his horse on the rail. We then walked to the center of the grass part where the small jumping pen was. I tossed him a helmet, rolling his eyes he slipped it on. He mounted Jack, adjusting the helmet to his liking. I took the reins in my hold, leading Jack around the pen. "What am I supposed to do when we jump? The people I've seen lean forward." I mentally laughed, oh he has clearly never had experience with this.
  "It's called the forward position or two point for starters. You'll be going over one footers to get your position down," I planned letting go of the reins. I let Jessie get comfortable with the controls, before telling him to trot Jack to the one footer. Jack leaped over the jump with ease, Jessie not ready for the jump fell off. I took the time to snap a picture of Jack trotting away and Jessie on the dusty ground. Putting my phone up I strolled over fighting a laugh.
  He looked at me, "I didn't fall just dismounted with questionable style." I chucked pulling him to his feet. "Next time lean into the jump," I grabbed Jack leading him to Jessie. He gave me a bored stare, "You know you're allowed to laugh right?" A playful grin plastered to his face. That was all it took, I was on my knees before I even knew it. He joined in we sounded like a pack of hyenas.
  He mounted Jack once more, winking at me, "I won't be falling this time." He trotted Jack along the fence alining themselves for the jump. Jessie leaned into it as instructed, Jack jumping over the obstacle. Jack landed roughly, due to Jessie shifting his weight during the jump. He grunted when Jack landed, "How is jumping this complicated?" I gave him a sly smile, "It isn't you just don't know how to do it yet."
  We spent the next two hours jumping over the one footer. Jessie slowly getting the hang of it. He still had a lot of work to do on his position, he wasn't falling off as much as he was during the first hour. He finally dismounted, "Is it normal if you can't feel your legs?" He asked dusting off. I laughed, taking Jack's bridle off feeding him a sugar cube. Jessie took off his saddle and blanket, letting Jack graze in the surrounding grass.
  We walked over to QuickSilver who was also grazing, but fully tacked. Thirty minutes into the lesson we decided to let QuickSilver graze. I mounted an electric shock coursing through my body. To be on a horse that held such speed and beauty as this one, could give anyone goose bumps. Jessie led QuickSilver to the track, he walked funny. As if when you standing on a hoverboard for an hour and get off, momentarily forgetting how to walk.
  He handed me the reins, "Go ahead and trot in a circle around me, his controls are just like Jack's but more sensitive." I nodded moving my right rein, QuickSilver instantly turned right, whoa his controls were very sensitive. I turned him a few more times getting used to him, then began trotting around Jessie. QuickSilver wasn't the smoothest horse, but he was a fast one. His trotting pace roughly around eight to nine miles per hour. Jack's around six or seven miles per hour. QuickSilver had a very broad body, his shoulders wide giving him extra power up front. His hind well built giving him a strong boost for a race. He was a handsome guy, definitely having more of an avantage due to his muscles.
  Jessie gave me the command to lope, I nodded moving QuickSilver to a lope. Jessie then told us, after we loped for fifteen minutes, to lope around the track. I redirected QuickSilver away from Jessie, loping down the rail. His silver mane flowing with the breeze he created, his silvery-white body holding the sun captive. His blue eyes filled with passion. For the second time today I felt free. Even though we were only loping, it was incredible.
  Before I knew it we were approaching Jessie, "If you are comfortable enough, go for it." I smiled at him, this was going to be exciting!!!! I waited till' we straightened out of the curve, my arms stretching out giving him slack. He bolted. His speed increased beyond Jack's ability. My eyes squinting as the wind engulfed me. QuickSilver was reaching nearly forty-five miles per hour. His top speed. Jack's was forty, QuickSilver's forty-five. As he ran I felt a familiar feeling. One I've felt before. The only time I've felt it before, on another Thoroughbred. Angel.
  Memories of Angel flashed through my mind, a warm feeling came over me. Angel was an amazing girl, I wish I could see her again, for old time sake. Sadly Lylla sold her during the school year. I was thrown back to reality, as QuickSilver reached forty-five. This was around the fastest I have ever gone. QuickSilver rounded the corner Jessie coming into view once more, he began to slow down.
  Before I knew it we were standing beside Jessie, "Golly who taught you at Sorrel Hill?" "Lylla," I answered dismounting. Jessie nodded, taking QuickSilver's reins as I dismounted. I caught Jack, the four of us walking back to the stables. I let Jack out with Atlantic Black and Amaya, they greeted him with a nicker. I laughed as Atlantic Black raced from the other side of the pasture. Jack nudged my arm before galloping off to the horses.
  I shook my head in pure amusement, deciding to go and see Promise and her foals. I climbed the pasture fence, looking at the three of them. Promise was happily grazing on fresh grass while the foals raced around. Allude easily beating his sister, but she was not so easily evaded. She turned sharply racing away from her brother cutting him off, he nearly fell as he slid into her slim body. I laughed at the two kids, sitting down leaning against the fence. Promise eyed me, she took her time walking over to me. Greeting me with a small nudge to my chin.
  I gently rubbed her nose, to my surprise she laid down next to me. Laying her head in my lap. I inwardly squealed! I rubbed my hand along her jawline, her stretching her legs out. I kept a close eye on tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. Both of which curious to who their mom was lying with. Allude leaped out of nowhere smacking into his sister, racing off the other direction. The filly had an annoyed look, but it soon replaced with excitement.
  She kicked out her back legs, darting after him. Promise looked up at me with a warm smile, if horses could smile anyway. She licked her lips, letting out a deep sigh, before slowly fading to sleep. I looked down at my phone to see a single text from Xavier saying, Estrella. At that moment the filly jumped into the pond, her brother tripping after her. Allude and Estrella, the pinto duo, sounds like constellations.


A/N: I enjoyed writing the lesson!!!  That was funny!

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