Chapter 2: Meet

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Lisa's P. O. V


We knocked in my Father's Chamber which situated beside his Throne but the equerry talked to us, she's on downstairs of the Platform because it's not allowed to go near on the throne if you're not a Royalty.

"M'Ladies.. " She bowed at us "The King is in the cabinet room, He wants to talk to all of you.. I'll lead your way M'Ladies" She said, She bowed one last time and started to walk. We look at each other and shrugged our shoulder.

"What do you think your Father will say?" Seulgi whispered to me, Honestly my Father isn't going to call us for a meeting in the cabinet room if it's not important. Usually he's talking to us in his chamber because Cabinet room is usually for man.

"Maybe Mr. Lee told about your absence" I whispered back, We go up stairs to reach the Cabinet room.

Inside our Great Hall, the design was quite in medieval times and little bit modern period. As you enter the Great hall if there's an occasion, The high table for Royalties and principal seat, side tables for others and cupboard and silver plate are all you can see as you enter the Great Hall and if there's no occasion hanging golden Chandelier, King's guard and The High Platform where the Throne situated are all you can see on the Hall. The High Platform Throne was placed on the end of the Hall, on the left side of throne was the Bed Chamber of the King and Queen and the right side of the throne is the staircase for the second floor of the castle where the bed chambers of the Ladies and Lords are situated and the Solar for other Royal families including the important rooms like Chapel and Oratories, Cabinets for the King, Lords and other ministers and Budoirs for Ladies.

Down the High Platform of Throne, On the left side has its own doorway for the Kitchen, Butteries, Larders and Pantries

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Down the High Platform of Throne, On the left side has its own doorway for the Kitchen, Butteries, Larders and Pantries. On the right side of the High Platform of Throne, there's a screen passage. When you enter that passage you will see on the right side of it another staircase for the downgrade people if they will go to our rooms since they can't pass by on the throne which is prohibited for the downgrade people they will use this staircase and the last on the left side of that passage was the entrance for the courtyard where you can see the infantrymen and cavalry who are marching and rounding around the castle, open fields where the other trainees of guardsman are being trained and sometimes my Father and other Minitries were there to play golf, stable, Ice houses, Dovecotes and Apartments for important residence.

"We're here M'Ladies" She bowed and leave. There are Guards outside the Cabinet room so they open it for us.

We walked inside and saw my Father sitting on the end of the table while Minnie and Joy were beside him.

"We're here Our King" The two bowed so I did too. He's wearing his formal attire. We walk towards the table and took our seat.

"I'm glad that the three of you are doing great" He said.

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