Chapter 19: Embarrassed

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Lisa's P. O. V.

Jennie's walking hastily, she don't want me to go near her. I didn't do anything, it was fucking accident and it's not my fault that it was her first kiss. I couldn't believe that she never kissed someone.

"Jennie!" I called her for the nth time and guess what she never looked back. People will think I'm chasing her and we got into a fight like a lovers, hell no. I wouldn't do that, I was just following her because if something might happen to her, Jisoo Unnie will kill the hell out of me.

She stop on a shed, maybe waiting for a cab. I walk towards her and believe me she's acting like I'm not existing.

"Jen-" She raise her forefinger to tell me to shut up.

"Just shut up, okay?" She said, I can see to her eyes that she cried literally.

Is it too meaningful to her? It was an accident so it doesn't count. When I was 11, I got my first kissed. It was only a peck but it's too memorable as it was Sunmi. I kissed her because we played a wedding game again, Bambam told us that we should kiss because it's a part of wedding even if I don't want to, We did it. It was nothing for me. I kissed a lot of whores and fucked them all night so it's nothing.

"Get in" Jennie said when a taxi stop in front of us. I hop inside and she get in too but our space was too far from each other, we're on the edge of the seat.

"Look Jennie, I'm sorry it was an accident. It doesn't-" I stop from talking when she look at me with a fire on her eyes. "Okay I'll stop" I zip my mouth and just look outside the car.

The car stop moving because of the traffic, a music played inside. I don't care what is it, I just want to go home! Why the fuck Jisoo Unnie even chose me to go with this dumpling? I'll look like a slave here following her everywhere.

"Are you two in a fight? Teenage love these days" The driver chuckled and shook his head.

"We're not lovers" Jennie rolled her eyes, I shrugged it off because I'm tired of shits.

"Just accept her apology.. " The driver answered back. I look at Jennie and saw how pissed she was then something comes up on my mind.

"Baby pleaseeee.. I'm sorry okay?" I suppress my laughter, She look at me with a surprised look and slap my arm aggressively.

"Are you crazy??" She yelled.

"I'm crazy in love with you" I blurted out and I saw how her face reddened "So just accept my apology, please baby?" I sly a smirk. Her mouth went agape and can't even utter a word.

The car started to move again and this time she kicked my legs really hard "What the hell are you doing??" I angrily said.

"Sorry baby, you're so cute" She pinch my cheek really hard and giggle with her eyes widened.

"Awww stop!" I shoved her hands away and stroke my cheek gently. She wanted to tore my cheek apart.

"Baby baby.. " She mocked on me and I narrow my eyes towards her.

The car stop from moving in front of a big gate, maybe this is the orpahanage. We both stepped outside the car and as soon as the car went off, Jennie pinch my waist.

"Aww Fuck no!" I wince in pain.

"Baby your face!" She yelled at me and walk inside. I followed her and saw a small playground and garden inside then a not so big building with a lot of children inside, how could I say it? Well I heard their voices from here.

"Just behave, okay?" She glare at me and we proceed to go inside wherein we got a warmth welcome by the kids.


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