Chapter 4: Again

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Jennie's P. O. V.

"Jennie-yah~.. Hurry and we'll eat" My Father called me from the dining area. I quickly packed my things because I'm getting late. I over slept because of too much studying.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back. I grab my things and run downstairs.

"Look at you, you didn't comb your hair. Let me do it" My mom said, she walk towards me and comb my hair like she's always doing when I'm still a kid.

"Moooom. I can do it alone.. " I pouted.

"You eat first or else you will miss your first examination" She said and continuously comb my hair. She even do the braiding style to my hair to look presentable. "You should look presentable Jennie because you will be a lawyer soon.. " She proudly said.

I stop from eating and smile at her "I will be Atty. Jennie Kim soon Eomma" I said.

"I'm so proud of you Jennie" My father mumbled and I gave him a genuine smile.

"I'm more proud to my parents for pushing me to go through my dream" I emotionally said.

"Let's eat and stop with the drama" My father laugh which made me laugh too.

We finished eating breakfast and I immediately run outside our house to take some taxi but I saw Kai running towards me.

"Come on, I'll take you to your school" He initiated. I look at his back and saw nothing.

"Are you going to carry me?" I said eyeing him from head to toe and he laugh.

"I never thought that you want me to carry you, Do you want? I'll carry you even if your school is too far away from here" He chuckled, I shake my head and slap her arm.

"Yah. Stop being cheesy, it's early in the morning" I cringe, I look at him with a disgusting face and he laugh his ass out.

"I'm just kidding. We'll ride my motorcycle, Stop arguing or else you'll be late" He said that made me agree. He took my books on my arms and we proceed to his motorcycle.

We ride his vehicle carefully and it's my luck that there's no traffic this time. As soon as we arrived at my school I took off his helmet and gave it to him, I hopped out of his vehicle and waved at him and he drove his motorcycle.

"Unnie!" I look around and saw Chaeyoung running towards me.

"Hey. You're early today? I thought you have class by 10am?" I asked her, it's only 7am in the morning.

"Jimin Oppa wants to be early today because he's going to hang out with his friends he said and you know oppa won't allow me to interact with man so he's building a great wall for less interaction" She pouted, I shake my head and laugh at her. We walk towards the corridor of our school and every boys that we passed by were checking me and Rosé.

"You're lucky there's someone who will protect you, Unlike me.. I don't have any" I chuckled then she bump her shoulder to mine.

"Yah. You have Kai oppa, he's our protector since we're kids" She said which is true.

"I knooow" I said smiling, I look around to check if Irene Unnie was already here.

"When will you able to say yes to Kai oppa? He's nice and good looking and yet you still want him to wait for years? Do you want him to get rot waiting for you?" She asked me, I stop from walking and face her.

"You know that I can't, right? I have a lot of priorities Chaeng. Love can wait and if he can't then I'll  let him" I said and walk again. We bid our goodbyes when I reach my room.

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